  • Dec 14, 2021

    Non-white people have only had a political voice for ~60 years in this country. As sad as it is, this is the most progressive/liberal administration since FDR, maybe ever.

    That's technically true and that goes to show you how f***ed everything is, because we had more progressive partys 100 years ago in a way, when we actually had a socialist party

  • Dec 14, 2021
  • Dec 14, 2021

    And their stance is still too conservative and ineffective for any change to occur

  • Dec 14, 2021

    "Both sides bad" is the new orange man bad

    no it's not

    both sides need to be dismantled in order for any meaningful change to occur

  • Dec 14, 2021
    3 replies

    "Non-white people have only had a political voice for ~60 years in this country"

    that's by design^ from both the republicans and democrats

    Kennedy introduced the Civil rights act in 1964, and Marjorie Taylor Greene is spouting off Islamophobia in 2021.. that seems equal

  • Dec 14, 2021

    squid games type beat

  • ghosting ®️
    Dec 14, 2021
    1 reply

    Kennedy introduced the Civil rights act in 1964, and Marjorie Taylor Greene is spouting off Islamophobia in 2021.. that seems equal

    Biden out here killing kids if you want to cherry pick more examples…

  • Dec 14, 2021
    2 replies

    Biden out here killing kids if you want to cherry pick more examples…

    Alleged civilian deaths in Iraq and Syria skyrocketed under Trump's four years in office to more than 13,000 compared to 5,600 during Obama's second term. Thus far, Airwars reports only 10 under the Biden administration. There have been no reported civilian deaths in Somalia thus far during Biden's term, compared to 134 under Trump and 42 under Obama over both of his terms. Strikes in Yemen, which had declined each year throughout Trump's administration, have dropped to just four this year (Airwars did not provide civilian deaths for Yemen).

  • Dec 14, 2021
    1 reply

    Kennedy introduced the Civil rights act in 1964, and Marjorie Taylor Greene is spouting off Islamophobia in 2021.. that seems equal

    Kennedy also had MLK wiretapped by the FBI lmao

  • Dec 14, 2021
    math fifty

    Kennedy also had MLK wiretapped by the FBI lmao

    And they both got got

  • Dec 14, 2021

    Kennedy introduced the Civil rights act in 1964, and Marjorie Taylor Greene is spouting off Islamophobia in 2021.. that seems equal

    dont forget boebert too

    and the fact we had a whole ass muslim ban except for saudi arabia cause we can't f*** the strategic/$ partnership up

  • ghosting ®️
    Dec 14, 2021
    1 reply

    Alleged civilian deaths in Iraq and Syria skyrocketed under Trump's four years in office to more than 13,000 compared to 5,600 during Obama's second term. Thus far, Airwars reports only 10 under the Biden administration. There have been no reported civilian deaths in Somalia thus far during Biden's term, compared to 134 under Trump and 42 under Obama over both of his terms. Strikes in Yemen, which had declined each year throughout Trump's administration, have dropped to just four this year (Airwars did not provide civilian deaths for Yemen).

    way to go Biden for killing less kids 🥳🥳👏👏

  • Dec 14, 2021

    religious freedom ayo

    ppl white-ified christianity and now we got what we got today

    ppl missing the ENTIRE point

    They killed jesus just for helping the people!

  • Dec 14, 2021
    1 reply

    way to go Biden for killing less kids 🥳🥳👏👏

    Biden f***ed up. Trump killed 15 thousand!! Biden was already on the fence about using drones he'll probably use them even less now

  • Dec 14, 2021

    Alleged civilian deaths in Iraq and Syria skyrocketed under Trump's four years in office to more than 13,000 compared to 5,600 during Obama's second term. Thus far, Airwars reports only 10 under the Biden administration. There have been no reported civilian deaths in Somalia thus far during Biden's term, compared to 134 under Trump and 42 under Obama over both of his terms. Strikes in Yemen, which had declined each year throughout Trump's administration, have dropped to just four this year (Airwars did not provide civilian deaths for Yemen).

    so why we loading up defense budget bigger than its ever been lol

    new cold war?

  • ghosting ®️
    Dec 14, 2021
    3 replies

    Biden f***ed up. Trump killed 15 thousand!! Biden was already on the fence about using drones he'll probably use them even less now

    imagine being a cuck for a party that doesn't care about you...

  • Dec 14, 2021

    imagine being a cuck for a party that doesn't care about you...

  • Dec 14, 2021
    1 reply

    imagine being a cuck for a party that doesn't care about you...

    Hey man, my local government wiped 3k in debt that I had and allowed me to get my license back after being suspended for some bullshit. Roadwork on my street outside is being done to fix potholes, I even got some money to catch up on my power bill during the pandemic. CA dems are looking out for me, I'm not in middle America voting against my better interests.

  • Dec 14, 2021
    1 reply

    imagine being a cuck for a party that doesn't care about you...

    For hundreds of millions of Americans, this is a reality.

    For cents a day you can help an American living in the richest country in the world to get healthcare:!

  • Dec 14, 2021
    1 reply

    For hundreds of millions of Americans, this is a reality.

    For cents a day you can help an American living in the richest country in the world to get healthcare:!

    Tbh their elected officials rejected expanded Medicare and then pandemic relief ..and they keep voting for them. I don't feel bad

  • Dec 14, 2021

    Tbh their elected officials rejected expanded Medicare and then pandemic relief ..and they keep voting for them. I don't feel bad

    it’s a lot of people that don’t have voting power within where they live or got gerrymandered and are SOL

    yeah a lot of people are stupid but it’s more than just them that get hurt that’s the point including children and people being abused by their employers (ie. the people that just died in those factory’s and warehouses)

  • ghosting ®️
    Dec 14, 2021
    1 reply

    Hey man, my local government wiped 3k in debt that I had and allowed me to get my license back after being suspended for some bullshit. Roadwork on my street outside is being done to fix potholes, I even got some money to catch up on my power bill during the pandemic. CA dems are looking out for me, I'm not in middle America voting against my better interests.

    "my government let me drive and gave me a little bit of money "

    your standards are on the floor lol...

  • Dec 14, 2021
    2 replies

    "my government let me drive and gave me a little bit of money "

    your standards are on the floor lol...

    What other states are doing that?? You're reaching synopsis levels of holding out for some unrealistic utopia without being involved in the electoral process to see that change through

  • Dec 14, 2021
    2 replies

    What other states are doing that?? You're reaching synopsis levels of holding out for some unrealistic utopia without being involved in the electoral process to see that change through

    that moment when s*** is so f***ing dire to where people think a basic functioning system with a semblance of decency is utopian

  • Nuja 🫶🏾
    Dec 14, 2021

    The public school system is a facade and not for educating our youth at all. Most schools goals aren’t educating the students. But rather for their own survival as a school, career, etc, prioritizing high standardized testing scores for funding and manipulating things to ensure that. Had a huge scandal at one of my HS because of this. My middle school pretty much was on the same s***. Teachers will literally pass you for the entire year if you show up and pass your standardized test if you didn’t show up the entire year because it’s THAT important.

    Schools get funded the money still funnels elsewhere. It doesn’t get used on the kids. Often times schools are provided with new books, supplies, etc that not even the teachers are aware of without digging through random storage because principals will want old stuff to be completely unusable before tapping into newer resources.

    The Wire season 4 touches on this perfectly imo and very accurate to my coming up in the public school system.