Drake stans coddle him because they don't respect him
Like him, sure, but don't respect him
Niggas just a bunch of capitalists now lmfao no wonder why the game became trash
i vividly remember this man singing along to the song
Skeppy & Devilman were going at it heavy lol he basically called him a snitch & a nonce in this song
It's November and Industry folks are still running with the "Drake is a victim & didn't deserve it" narrative
Skeppy & Devilman were going at it heavy lol he basically called him a snitch & a nonce in this song
devilman has nothing to loose he was silent on wiley/octavian/ian connor/asap bari and solo 45 though
playing travolta
Niggas just a bunch of capitalists now lmfao no wonder why the game became trash
Exactly we strayed so far because of niggas bagchasing.....who is carrying that bag at the end of the day?
the trans aunt jab was crazy ‘cause i remember after Euphoria niggas was saying Kendrick was being transphobic with that “real women” line
narrative got abandoned so conveniently
I love Skepta But of course he’s gonna say this considering Drake literally got a BBK tattoo and he’s not American
for the record
https://twitter.com/blondedjedi/status/1802806405134483698oh yea Drizzy made that call lol
for the record
https://twitter.com/blondedjedi/status/1802806405134483698he putting all purpose seasoning in a zoot?
the trans aunt jab was crazy ‘cause i remember after Euphoria niggas was saying Kendrick was being transphobic with that “real women” line
narrative got abandoned so conveniently
& i don't wanna hear nothing about no trans bars with that skepta & jme song floating about lol
he putting all purpose seasoning in a zoot?
he threw the lowry's in the spliff
I'm confused bout both those tweets because he was talking bout both of them and the allegations from both sides
he threw the lowry's in the spliff
big up dunns river he taking smoking spice to another level
I'm confused bout both those tweets because he was talking bout both of them and the allegations from both sides
yes, twitter picking & choosing as always. But the top tweet was responding to the original caption (the at is chatnigga101, which shows he's a ak affiliate)
lets also not forget
that Drake
also lets not forget
going to dinner with a 14 year old, once with her parent second time just her and her bodyguard
kissing a 17 year old on stage while saying "i shouldn be doing this i can get in trouble for this"
appearing on cam and buying gifts for a woman that blackmails and abuses teenage girls and their nudes
red shirting multiple underage girls then popping them as soon as they turn 18
but you know