  • Palenigga

    Hope his child gets taken away from him, b**** made ass mf

  • Sep 4, 2021
    1 reply

    Hope his child gets taken away from him, b**** made ass mf

  • Sep 4, 2021

    now that China is limiting kids to playing only 3 hours per week, runescape gold price is going to skyrocket

    You can’t NOTHING in China

  • 15k usd

  • Sep 4, 2021

    So he lost real money or like online coins idgi

    And why would he teleport to somewhere where he could lose all that s*** immediately like why wouldn’t he stash that in a safe or whatever beforehand

    Dude was in a pvp world where anything goes

    He prob forgot. Same time tho why Tf was he holding all that to go to the duel arena like there isn't a bank over there

  • Sep 4, 2021

    They let you buy money in RS now? Damn.

    Can't imagine putting irl money in online games ever.

  • Sep 4, 2021
    Skateboard J

    What? you don't see anything wrong in him wilding out like that and breaking s*** in front of his lil child? or u just read the title and didn't watch the vid

  • Sep 4, 2021

    Lmao could he have fought back or anything? I know his heart dropped when he saw that guy waiting there

  • Sep 4, 2021

    He was at his personal house in the game but on a player vs player world. When he's in his personal house, he can't take damage.

    He teleported to the Duel Arena (which is where players can bet money against each other in short duels to make or lose massive amounts of money), forgetting he was on a PvP world. When he teleported, a player was at the arena and casted teleblock (the blue/purple splash you see) which means he can't teleport away.

    He has no food in his inventory, and has a s*** load of money on him.

    In the top left corner, the 30M is a f***load of money in the game. People kept hitting the maximum amount of coins ($2.147B), so they had to make another type of way to collect money. He has thousands of irl money sitting in his wallet.

    Anyways, dude who was at the Duel Arena teleblocked him, killed him, and laughed about it on Twitter. Other RuneScape players accused this twitch streamer of RWT (Real World Trading) and faking this stream so it could look like he didn't mean to die with thousands of irl money on him.


  • Sep 4, 2021

    anyone who plays osrs knows the risk with pvp so this dude f***ed up plain and simple.

    whoever pked his ass could have used that loot and convert it to membership bonds to sell IRL.

    huge L

  • Sep 4, 2021

    TBH Didn't even watch the video. Will check it out now.

    Damn did they ban David