  • hot pancakes

    Yeah I learned my lesson as a teenager, watched some f***ed up live leak type videos and it kinda f***ed with us for awhile, never again lol

    Tbh I had a way higher tolerance for that stuff as a kid. Prob had some kinda effect on me down the line (I’m pretty paranoid and anxious of horrific s*** happening to me lol)

  • Apr 19
    6 replies

    Why is thing becoming a trend?

  • Apr 19
    1 reply

    So wait, was there an active shooter or did she assume it from the pandemonium?

  • BlueDream

    This image is haunting bruh. This lady really walked over to a chair to sit down and watch him burn

    Nobody self-immolates to make people look away, same with any other act of protest and/or public suicide

  • plants 🌻
    Apr 19
    1 reply

    Why is thing becoming a trend?

    bro ppl been doin this for decades, centuries even

    but also, ppl are f***ing desperate bro. at wits end. humanity white knuckling it rn. ppl be snapping left and right. where I live a dude got road rage and shot at the car, killing a child, and for what?

    its crazy out there bro

  • Malakas

    So wait, was there an active shooter or did she assume it from the pandemonium?

    Just assumed when people started running

  • Apr 19
    1 reply

    Bro did they shoot that nigga that was on fire

  • Apr 19
    1 reply

    Why she say active shooter

  • im confused do yall think protests are just cute little sit ins and everyone plays ring around the rosie?? its meant to disturb the “peace”


    Why is thing becoming a trend?

    Been a thing for a long long time


    Why is thing becoming a trend?


    Why is thing becoming a trend?

    Only real way to create a revolution is to be ready to die for it

  • Apr 19
    1 reply



    Why is thing becoming a trend?

    because the government is stagnant and apathetic and american culture is a feedback loop of sensationalist fetishism for violence and suffering

  • necromancer

    ppl self-immolating for donald trump of all things?

    He made these people go insane sadly

    Only for that psychological damage he did to many people he need to be locked up

  • Apr 19
    1 reply

    ppl self-immolating for donald trump of all things?

    Bro fr I’m flabbergasted by this. I’d never immolate but I can at least grasp someone doing it over war, or genocide. But over the damn Trump trial?

  • welcome to america b**** ass niggas!

  • I only feel sorry for people who been through stuff, if you just a lonely loser

  • plants 🌻
    Apr 19
    3 replies

    Bro fr I’m flabbergasted by this. I’d never immolate but I can at least grasp someone doing it over war, or genocide. But over the damn Trump trial?

    bro did this where he did coz media is at the trial. not because hes for trump. at least read a tiny bit about what you're commenting on before u comment

  • Apr 19

    wtf going on

  • Apr 19
    1 reply

    the reporter was in her f***ing bag lmao

  • eclass

    the reporter doing a play by play of whats happening is sick

    she was ready fr

  • Can't imagine caring about politics/government THIS much...get a job, maybe some b****es and take a vacation. Sheeeeeesh.

  • Apr 19

    the reporter was in her f***ing bag lmao
