this manifesto is boring and stupid. bro not even crazy enough to be amusing.
he really naming movie after and movie and song after song that he missed the point of
would love to see his letterboxd tho lol
the reporter doing a play by play of whats happening is sick
She's a reporter. She is reporting on what is happening. It's her job lol
Why she say active shooter
Just a regular thing in the US these days. Whenever any kinda s*** is going on it's automatically assumed to be a shooting. Can't really blame em honestly.
She's a reporter. She is reporting on what is happening. It's her job lol
I get that - I was referring to the lack of empathy shown here. You don't see 9/11 news reporters lock in like its some fuccin kentucky derby race
I get that - I was referring to the lack of empathy shown here. You don't see 9/11 news reporters lock in like its some fuccin kentucky derby race
Yes I have????
This image is haunting bruh. This lady really walked over to a chair to sit down and watch him burn
TBH she’s probably in shock, needed to take a seat.
His manifesto: today?
His manifesto: Second case, recently. Anything behind this?
This image is haunting bruh. This lady really walked over to a chair to sit down and watch him burn
Average new yorker
Reading his final message - this is like a broken clock that’s right four times a day instead of twice, but every other minute tells us that numbers were created in service of building a living hell on earth called “time”, and it just blew up on the kitchen wall
Wide swaths of this are undoubtedly, objectively correct; BUT
ultimately a manifesto that tells us every public figures/peice of culture/entertainment/happenings in our daily lives are made to reinforce a brainwashing apocalyptic death cult, most effectively reinforces the power of the brainwashing apolcalyptic death cult. “All that you know is a lie to make you feel hopeless” says the thing that makes me feel most hopeless
Even still I find it impossible not to feel sympathy and respect for him, like Aaron Bushnell, though Bushnell’s sacrifice was greater IMO due to the sheer pureness of his empathy; opening eyes not to our own imminent deaths from ignorance, but the death wrought on others we never see which our individual degrees of ignorance make us complicit in
I'm pretty sure stuff like this has happened from redditors multiple times more than 2 but the reddit team learned a decade ago to scrub immediately
The difference with this guy is that he was a prevalent user on some well known subreddits, or at least it appears
Reading his final message - this is like a broken clock that’s right four times a day instead of twice, but every other minute tells us that numbers were created in service of building a living hell on earth called “time”, and it just blew up on the kitchen wall
Wide swaths of this are undoubtedly, objectively correct; BUT
ultimately a manifesto that tells us every public figures/peice of culture/entertainment/happenings in our daily lives are made to reinforce a brainwashing apocalyptic death cult, most effectively reinforces the power of the brainwashing apolcalyptic death cult. “All that you know is a lie to make you feel hopeless” says the thing that makes me feel most hopeless
Even still I find it impossible not to feel sympathy and respect for him, like Aaron Bushnell, though Bushnell’s sacrifice was greater IMO due to the sheer pureness of his empathy; opening eyes not to our own imminent deaths from ignorance, but the death wrought on others we never see which our individual degrees of ignorance make us complicit in
We not ranking suicides here bro
We not ranking suicides here bro
If you take offense from what I said, I’m sorry