Idk if this is the thread to ask this but does manifestation really cross a line with practices like Christianity? I come from Christianity, and while I’m not a Bible thumping over zealous evangelical conservative, I am still very much spiritual, I believe in the power of prayer, my angels watching over me, Christ, etc. With that being said anytime I mention manifesting people get very angry at me saying I can’t say I believe in God while also talking manifestation. But the strong irony to this is at my childhood church we had a routine where before offering people would hold out their offering envelopes and all at once scream “MONEY COMING TO ME NOW” wouldn’t that have been manifesting? Granted it’s all apart of the prosperity scam but still
The belief that God = Trinity (three separate persons in complete union/agreement) and that belief in Jesus = a living relationship with said Trinity i.e. you might not have all your prayers answers and that the relationship isn't just about you getting stuff, I don't think is mutually exclusive with "manifesting" or that "manifesting" is inherently anti-Christian.
If anything visualising achieving something might better enable you to focus and/or persevere when things get tough. It gives you actual direction and will help you work around obstacles you might encounter. The way people talk about manifesting often doesn't include the actual work that goes into whatever skillset you're trying to profit off of either. Like the concept of sowing/reaping is Biblical but it's also just something observable in nature i.e. sowing into your skills should then enable you to better profit financially and that will have knock on effects for your living situation etc. Meanwhile sowing into trouble and general nastiness will have you reaping those things over yourself and others around you too whether it ends up being physical/mental/emotional/spiritual. "Sowing" into peace would be the opposite - do unto to others as you would have them do unto you etc all the same principle at heart that is designed to promote peace and both individual and communal flourishing.
But if u do that doesn’t that basically trick ur brain into thinking u already achieved that so now ur not really as motivated to make that happen irl
only if you manifest on coke
Idk if this is the thread to ask this but does manifestation really cross a line with practices like Christianity? I come from Christianity, and while I’m not a Bible thumping over zealous evangelical conservative, I am still very much spiritual, I believe in the power of prayer, my angels watching over me, Christ, etc. With that being said anytime I mention manifesting people get very angry at me saying I can’t say I believe in God while also talking manifestation. But the strong irony to this is at my childhood church we had a routine where before offering people would hold out their offering envelopes and all at once scream “MONEY COMING TO ME NOW” wouldn’t that have been manifesting? Granted it’s all apart of the prosperity scam but still
Yes it does. I have a vid I could recommend if you want on why it does
It‘s something LOA coaches made up
correction, It’s actually a Buddhist teaching
non attachment?
look into Buddhism & how non attachment & desire go hand to hand
it's literally an ancient Buddhist practice/idea but okay
Lol beat me to it
Ppl swear they know everything
you haven't seen a thread like that because we need a section for them
u manifest things by doing them i think
This. Ofcourse you have to have a clear vision and intentions. A productive attitude.
The whole “the secret” movement is really capitalist cashgrab feeding off peoples desires for excess and status
it’s cool because it feels spiritual and superhuman but it also just makes sense. You have to know where you’re going before you can get there.
it’s a good way to get anything done, visualize it done already. What would make it successful, what could make it fail. It’s good planning.
Consistency & working towards your goals but practicing non attachment through it all
p much this
Yes it does. I have a vid I could recommend if you want on why it does
I think I manifested once but it’s n=1 so idk. Either way a lot of times manifestation s*** is cope for people who aren’t happy with their lives
You want to work on your visualization. Test it with an apple. Imagine eating it, smelling it, biting, etc. Try to stay in that mode of thinking as long as you can. Meditation helps. You don’t have to be in lotus position but breathing deeply and slowly does help put you in the proper state to do this.
good idea
I think I manifested once but it’s n=1 so idk. Either way a lot of times manifestation s*** is cope for people who aren’t happy with their lives
ah ser I think we don't have to go into personal aspects of why people want to manifest better things in their life
I think I manifested once but it’s n=1 so idk. Either way a lot of times manifestation s*** is cope for people who aren’t happy with their lives
this is true and as with everything else people have to be mindful of the action faking, mental masturbation, and spiritual bypassing