Oh nah you really rapping rapping
Beat is grimy as hell too
Salute my brada
Don't stop 🗣️🗣️🗣️
bro i've had this on repeat 5 times rn
you can hear some billy woods influence and it's a beautiful thing
My f***in boy Vox ty
No problem
Between the two of us you're doing the hard work with words, easy to offer love to something so invested in
Yo thank you homie. Should’ve tagged you
bro i've had this on repeat 5 times rn
you can hear some billy woods influence and it's a beautiful thing
Yo that’s so flattering. I appreciate that like crazy, thank you man
Put this on bandcamp so I cqn buy it goddamnit
Definitely not gonna charge the good people for this quality …. But a bandcamp drop may be in order at some point
Lets go bro lets do it ☝️ Drop that s***!!
I’m sure this doesn’t merit a new thread but here it is
“Choukin” on Bandcamp now. Go on and buy that digital track.
“Choukin” on Bandcamp now. Go on and buy that digital track.
lmao i aint kno op was the artist i just read thread title and had that s*** ready to go
thought it was an artist outside of ktt cause you know music talk
lmao i aint kno op was the artist i just read thread title and had that s*** ready to go
thought it was an artist outside of ktt cause you know music talk
The game is the game
@sentient_sherm_bag @beflygelt @Lit
bumping for those who missed