No Deluxe is nuts
we got a little deluxe with One Day and Mention Me plus we also got the benny collab
I've been preaching this forever. Going In For Life is easily his top 5 best rap song. Everything is perfect about it. He has never had a smoother more effortless flow than on that song. Amazing delivery. Not one wasted bar. A constant dedicated theme / subject matter. Use of literally elements. The quotables. The bars. Man I wish he rapped like this again.
Young hungry Drake ready to rise to stardom
Story from the perspective of the person who got fired during Cameras would be amazing
vital not from 2016. mf's house barely broke ground then
vital is from views sessions, and they've been building his home before views dropped
Just watched the full thing from start to finish
Honestly was so cool to see how Mark and Noel are fans of Drake just like us, these dudes get excited talking about so many songs
It was dope hearing stories about how certain songs were made and all that
Hope they do this again
Story from the perspective of the person who got fired during Cameras would be amazing
Wasn’t there a video circling around awhile back where somebody is in the studio hallway and they hear drake recording through this through the walls?
If it wasn’t cameras I think I’m getting it confused with the ride in that vid but it was def one of The Weeknd collabs
Mention Me has to release tho, it’s such a catchy classic. Can imagine that s*** on the charts and clubs easyyy
Wasn’t there a video circling around awhile back where somebody is in the studio hallway and they hear drake recording through this through the walls?
If it wasn’t cameras I think I’m getting it confused with the ride in that vid but it was def one of The Weeknd collabs
Yeah it’s The Ride
The way they talked about leaks and wondering how we got them makes me think that they’re not on KTT as much as we thought.
vital not from 2016. mf's house barely broke ground then
Yeah you, random internet user, knows better than Drake's inner circle I forgot
Which one of y’all mentioned Stay Schemin 2
The version of Successful that didn’t come out Mark is referring to
The version of Successful that didn’t come out Mark is referring to
! the second he said it
sidenote: surprised Going In For Life is both their favorite Drake tracks
Knew the second he said it
sidenote: surprised Going In For Life is both their favorite Drake tracks
I always viewed it as a dope song but imma have to go revisit it now after they hyped it up so much
Wasn’t there a video circling around awhile back where somebody is in the studio hallway and they hear drake recording through this through the walls?
If it wasn’t cameras I think I’m getting it confused with the ride in that vid but it was def one of The Weeknd collabs
Someone download this part of history before it’s taken down
I've been preaching this forever. Going In For Life is easily his top 5 best rap song. Everything is perfect about it. He has never had a smoother more effortless flow than on that song. Amazing delivery. Not one wasted bar. A constant dedicated theme / subject matter. Use of literally elements. The quotables. The bars. Man I wish he rapped like this again.
He definitely hasn’t I think the closest he has got to that flow was what I’m thinking right now
Craziest revalation you missed: Madonna was a full freestyle in the booth off the dome!!!!
Quentin confirmed this ages ago
Someone download this part of history before it’s taken down
There it is!! Thank u Viet
"I watched this man piece together words in front of me… I watched him write/ replace bars 2- 3 at a time on 6pm in NY.. I witnessed him light up, go in and freestyle madonna," Miller wrote