We just came off of a full year of basically no big artists dropping across all genres. Trap is getting stale but this isn't as noteworthy as it seems
Been known
Its not bad to listen to old music
lets not make it a competition
Considering there’s a good 100 years of music that came before this era, those numbers don’t look too bad
how would you have measured consumption of old music pre-streaming era
like yeah some people would buy older albums but now we know if they're actually still being listened to
3% increase lmao
Also could mean the new streaming users are oldheads
Its not bad to listen to old music
lets not make it a competition
imagine not loving most periods of music
Also lets compare the last 6 months of music with the best s*** from every year since 1932
Also lets compare the last 6 months of music with the best s*** from every year since 1932
why 1932?
Since both categories and the total went up maybe it's just old people who were not using streaming services joining and listening to their favorite music?
But yeah, less mainstream releases due to the pandemic definitely played a role.