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  • Mar 1, 2021

    I really feel like this will drop in 2022

    Maybe they are negotiating with a big-name director and that is why they have not announced anything yet

    It might actually happen

  • Mar 1, 2021

    Casting news soon then

  • Mar 1, 2021
    1 reply

    All the replies are people crying for the damn R rating

    Hope we get director news soon

  • Mar 1, 2021
    2 replies

    All the replies are people crying for the damn R rating

    Hope we get director news soon

    This not being R-Rated would be a bigger miss than Thor: TDW

  • Mar 1, 2021

    This not being R-Rated would be a bigger miss than Thor: TDW

    I think people are focussing too much on the previous Blade movies. If this was the first time Blade got a movie there would still be some people that would want it be rated R but a lot of people would also realize it doesn't NEED to be rated R at all.

    If it needed to be rated R they would've never made the movie.

  • Mar 1, 2021
    1 reply

    This not being R-Rated would be a bigger miss than Thor: TDW

    They could do a lot with PG-13 tho

    What so he can’t say f*** more than once?

  • Mar 1, 2021
    1 reply

    They'll probably make the fight scenes like this clip, just make them disentigrate in some way

    Only thing is that he won't curse lmao

  • Mar 1, 2021

    Isn't the dark knight pg-13?

  • Mar 1, 2021
    1 reply

    They'll probably make the fight scenes like this clip, just make them disentigrate in some way


    Only thing is that he won't curse lmao

    Yea they can actually get away with a lot in a PG13 rating in terms of violence and fight scenes.

  • Mar 1, 2021

    Yea they can actually get away with a lot in a PG13 rating in terms of violence and fight scenes.

  • Mar 1, 2021
    1 reply

    Marvel fight scenes are never violent though. You can feel the violence in the Blade movies even if you take away the blood. I doubt a Marvel Blade movie will have the brutality of the r-rated Blade movies. It's more than just removing blood. It's also about the camera angles and how long the shot lingers.

    Mar 1, 2021

    if it's not R rated then it's auto trash tbh

  • Mar 1, 2021
    1 reply

    They could do a lot with PG-13 tho

    What so he can’t say f*** more than once?

    Aye man I just wanna see vamps getting their heads cut off

  • Mar 1, 2021
    1 reply

    Aye man I just wanna see vamps getting their heads cut off

    They could get away with that in PG-13 if the vamps don’t look too human

    Thanos got decapitated in Endgame

  • Mar 1, 2021
    1 reply

    Marvel fight scenes are never violent though. You can feel the violence in the Blade movies even if you take away the blood. I doubt a Marvel Blade movie will have the brutality of the r-rated Blade movies. It's more than just removing blood. It's also about the camera angles and how long the shot lingers.

    None of the MCU fight scenes have really needed to be violent so far

    The early reactions to Falcon and the Winter Soldier are saying that its the most violent and bloody MCU project so far, so that could be like an intro to how bloody and violent Blade could look

  • Mar 1, 2021

    They could get away with that in PG-13 if the vamps don’t look too human

    Thanos got decapitated in Endgame

    yeah I forgot about that scene, you’re right.

  • Mar 1, 2021

    None of the MCU fight scenes have really needed to be violent so far

    The early reactions to Falcon and the Winter Soldier are saying that its the most violent and bloody MCU project so far, so that could be like an intro to how bloody and violent Blade could look

    Yeah. I just think people should lower their expectations if they think it'll be like the original Blade minus blood.

  • Mar 1, 2021

    kinda worried this'll pale in comparison to the original outside of Mahershala's performance

    am curios who they bring on to direct

  • Mar 11, 2021

    At the end of this, Marv (Blade’s creator) mentions that this is coming out next year

  • Mar 11, 2021
    1 reply

    we need more R rated comic movies come on especially blade tf
    look how successful joker was (in b4 avy post lmao)

    ain't nobody want no pg13 blade

  • Mar 11, 2021
    1 reply
    rnb sponge

    we need more R rated comic movies come on especially blade tf
    look how successful joker was (in b4 avy post lmao)

    ain't nobody want no pg13 blade

    I mean aside from outrageous gore and a ton of profanity, what could an R rated Blade do that a PG-13 one can’t? As long as the vampires don’t look too human we can get limbs and heads get chopped off and at least one f***. As long as the story’s good I’m in

  • Mar 11, 2021

    I mean aside from outrageous gore and a ton of profanity, what could an R rated Blade do that a PG-13 one can’t? As long as the vampires don’t look too human we can get limbs and heads get chopped off and at least one f***. As long as the story’s good I’m in

    fair enough, I think it could just give it a bit more room to take it where it needs to go

    I'm not saying it needs to be outrageous like you said but

  • May 3, 2021
    5 replies

    Very weird that they didn't put the Blade in that video...

  • May 3, 2021
    1 reply

    Very weird that they didn't put the Blade in that video...


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