Spider-Verse 2 is there so it makes sense
I kind of wonder if the whole production was moved back a year because they got a director that they really want but whose schedule couldn’t fit with the 2022 release
never expected a pakistani to direct a mcu film
Remember when u got banned for that
Remember when u got banned for that
hey i dont know what ur talkinga bout
Anyone who reads comics is Blade muslim or is that not disclosed?
Apparently the directors work "aims to uncover the diversity of Muslim life and experience".
Win for brown people
idk if we have a huge director like that who’s done 100+ million dollar movies for a big studio machine
I can't even express how big of a W this is, I was already in for mahershala but expectations are super high right now
Anyone who reads comics is Blade muslim or is that not disclosed?
Apparently the directors work "aims to uncover the diversity of Muslim life and experience".
Mahershala is Muslim.
He probably had influence in this guy getting the gig
Everytime I think of blade in the light, fluffy sitcomy world of sassy finger wagging superheroes of the mcu I cringe harder, I have next to no faith this will be good as a blade movie
Everytime I think of blade in the light, fluffy sitcomy world of sassy finger wagging superheroes of the mcu I cringe harder, I have next to no faith this will be good as a blade movie
and how are they gonna top the opening scene of the first movie?
and how are they gonna top the opening scene of the first movie?
Blade 2
No lie blade 3 is actually quite close to how I'd envision marvel doing blade other than the profanity
S***ty weak villain? Check
Quippy side characters who are reg humans but overpowered to make it seem like they re equal to blade? Check
Forcing unneeded side characters in just to set up future movies? Check
Low stakes with next to no tension? Check