If this nigga don't steal the pym/stark time/dimension travel bands in this s***, I'mma be tight
Nice. I was worried
Is the MCU the very sane world here feel like he’d feel just in place between all the monthly bs that happens there lol
"Omg so many heroes to keep track of how the hell do you guys keep up with all these events!!?"
"Dude I just threw you off a 3rd story building how are you still alive....and no blood?!"
It’s morbin time
Need a morbin cameo
It’s morbin time
Morbin Time would be easy
But if they have Deadpool say what Keaton said in the post credits scene when he comes into the MCU that would be funny
It’s morbin time
This is gonna be one of the MCU’s best movies. Calling it now. And nobody will expect it
Sub 80% RT incoming
Basically the only Ryan Reynolds movie I will watch and I’m already sick of him Ryan Reynoldsing in every movie he’s in ever since Vam Wilder
DP3 announcement on Saturday for sure
The number of parents who will scream at their phone for this
The number of parents who will scream at their phone for this
The parental control should be in effect just like when they put the Netflix shows on there
DP3 announcement on Saturday for sure