Why is everyone freaking out? The little girl from Logan?
No s*** lol why spoil something like that
No s*** lol why spoil something like that
Imma be honest I don't think it's that big of a spoiler. I'm sure there's a lot more surprises in stock
people that watched a final trailer are surprised that it spoils a surprise in the movie
In a week from now, I'll have seen this movie after 5 days of back to back exams
After seeing the tracklist im more than ready for this. Hearing power of love one more time in the big screen
In a week from now, I'll have seen this movie after 5 days of back to back exams
you got this fammo make us proud
more has been revealed in other trailers, leaks and rumors than what y'all got under that spoiler bar
I read the spoiler bar but I am not watching the trailer
more has been revealed in other trailers, leaks and rumors than what y'all got under that spoiler bar
I read the spoiler bar but I am not watching the trailer
You watching this?
Imma be honest I don't think it's that big of a spoiler. I'm sure there's a lot more surprises in stock
You watching this?
I havent seen 1 in years and havent seen 2 at all
I like x men though
depends what I am on next weekend honestly . If we do overtime then no if not then yes
Imma be honest I don't think it's that big of a spoiler. I'm sure there's a lot more surprises in stock
Literally, can already see reg audience ppl saying they thought that person was in the other trailer
Lol I've done so well to avoid all the trailers since the first and got spoiler from my twitter fyp feed