the hell do ratings mean anymore if an 8/10 isnt an incredible movie
everything has to be 10/10 in this era or it isnt good
This was Avengers hitting that domestic number of 350
Deadpool’s world wide is looking to be 350
Damn 350 domestic is diabolical lmao
Damn my boy whose friend who somehow got to see it early told me that if endgame was a 10/10 and IW was a 9/10, this was a 8/10
In the moment I was like but looks like he was right
Stupid ass statement on your part bro. When did 8/10 become yikes that's bad material?
Damn my boy whose friend who somehow got to see it early told me that if endgame was a 10/10 and IW was a 9/10, this was a 8/10
In the moment I was like but looks like he was right
endgame definitely aint a 10/10 but if this is only one point below IW im hype
You can't be excited about a movie now? Lol
I’d love to man but the last few MCU movies I was excited for were meh and forgettable. The only comic book movies I’ve loved since before and after Infinity War are The Batman and Logan
Nah f*** the critics ik those losers think they’re too good for superhero movies. I’m riding the initial hype reviews from last night from people who actually enjoy comic movies. Classic INCOMING.
Movie won’t be but the depiction and character distillation and ‘omg that’s legit perfect prime what u think of when you think wolverine tier’ stuff could be better than Logan. Logan is goated and that wolverine is goated because it had the end of his rope defeated old man Logan. This could tap into prime yellow suit wolverine in a way hugh hasn’t really gotten to
Damn sometimes I think that bringing in variants is one of the reasons that the MCU sucks now. When some hero dies, there is no feel of loss or anything of that nature because you know there is another one lol
Damn my boy whose friend who somehow got to see it early told me that if endgame was a 10/10 and IW was a 9/10, this was a 8/10
In the moment I was like but looks like he was right
that means it’s good cus endgame is dogshit
So RT goes:
Deadpool 1 85%
Deadpool 2 84%
Deadpool 3 80% (at the current moment)
Pretty consistent
Tonight???? Lucky wtf how
My local cinema in Aus has a screening tonight at 7:10
Nah f*** the critics ik those losers think they’re too good for superhero movies. I’m riding the initial hype reviews from last night from people who actually enjoy comic movies. Classic INCOMING.
yeah i accidentally went into spouler thread and this gonna be a classic
yeah i accidentally went into spouler thread and this gonna be a classic
Confirmed classic incoming?
Damn sometimes I think that bringing in variants is one of the reasons that the MCU sucks now. When some hero dies, there is no feel of loss or anything of that nature because you know there is another one lol
Faithful to the source material
Endgame one of those movies that's hype and amazing in theaters but doesn't really hold up in a rewatch for me imo. The pacing is so slow in the first two halves but I get why.
Endgame was just two and a half hours of setup for a 10/10 bonkers finale. The movie itself is more like a 6/10 for me. IW kicks Endgame's ass as a movie any day of the week imo.
Maybe I am completely over the novelty of cameos and multiverse variants|| but this movie was full of them and they did nothing for me after that initial mild surprise of ||"Hey look its Chris Evans/Blade/Electra/Gambit....."
It was also not as funny as the first Deadpool. The joke with the dog sucked but they kept hammering that on.
Too many slow-mo scenes with self-aware ironic use of s***ty pop music. Ya do it once or twice and its fine but they overdid it here.
The opening action scene was dope. Rest was bloody but none of it felt brutal and disgusting like the first Deadpool. It was over the top comical.
Yet again there is a s***ty forgettable Marvel villain + McGuffin that makes the 3rd act a slog to go through. When will they learn?!
Maybe I am completely over the novelty of cameos and multiverse variants|| but this movie was full of them and they did nothing for me after that initial mild surprise of ||"Hey look its Chris Evans/Blade/Electra/Gambit....."
It was also not as funny as the first Deadpool. The joke with the dog sucked but they kept hammering that on.
Too many slow-mo scenes with self-aware ironic use of s***ty pop music. Ya do it once or twice and its fine but they overdid it here.
The opening action scene was dope. Rest was bloody but none of it felt brutal and disgusting like the first Deadpool. It was over the top comical.
Yet again there is a s***ty forgettable Marvel villain + McGuffin that makes the 3rd act a slog to go through. When will they learn?!
are the cameos good