Liked this a lot more than I thought I would. The appearances of the foxverse people didn’t feel forced and made sense within the story instead of being a straight asspull so that was cool. The action was pretty good, most of the jokes hit, and the villain was great. That last 15 mins when they were back at the TVA felt kinda generic but it wasn’t too bad
Two is the best of this trilogy ngl
I thought 2 was s*** tbh , I gotta give it a rewatch.
Ooooo I’m about to make a name for myself here
i wasn’t able to see this last week and on Monday somebody on tik tok spoiled all the f***ing cameos, mind you Marvel isn’t even on my fyp like that. I hate b****es who can’t shut the f*** up.
i spoiled the cameos for myself on purpose lol
i wanted to be able to take the film for what it was rather than being like ‘oh s***, its famous hollywood actor X playing character Y!’
thankfully the film is good enough that it can stand outside of the cameos rather than purely because of them
every scene in the TVA actually had the most dull exposition writing and direction that lasted way too long
Bruh I knew there was a HDRip floating around cause of the gifs ppl have been posting online but even the audio is good. How tf did someone get this
ngl this was barely a movie.
but there were some fun moments.
This the perfect way to put it
You're smoking crack if you think this will make a bill. Deadpool is not that popular outside of marvel fans because his movies are R rated and the nostalgia for hugh jackman return is not that large. Nowhere near no way home. This makes 700 mill tops internationally
18 days