movie will prolly be mid but marketing team been cooking like crazy think this one will be pretty decent, people have been hating on it since the show ended so I think it'll blow past their already low expectations.
So far, I like this Spidey s***.
I really like the switch up of origins for all these characters: Norman and Harry being on Spideys team (for now).
Octavius, Tombstone, Scorpion, Rhino etc.
Very cool to see them slowly establish them, and just leaves you curious in where they will all go from here. So many ways all of their stories could still go, very exciting.
Will echo really liking this Spider-Man cartoon
Getting insights into other people’s lives (like Lonnie’s) is such a nice touch that you don’t see often in stories like this
people are clowning him for including Thanos when they literally just mentioned all the other Avengers films in the show lol
Don't think we'll see Thanos though but I wouldn't be surprised if the invasion happens in the show down the line
I’m convinced that this show is basically what Marvel would’ve done with Spidey if Sony wasn’t in the picture
Am I crazy or does Colman Domingo Norman Osborn sound like Willem Dafoe a little bit
definitely intentional at points but I fw it
Need this’t checked out the show yet but this is a MUST.
Freshest Norman ever otw
Need this'd be cool to see characters from the show worked into live action since so far they've mostly avoided movie characters in the show (mj, ned, flash)
Colman Domingo as live-action Norman would go so hard
Absolutely hate how Peter already met Norman though through the Multiverse (same with Doc Ock)
Hey guys I have a positive thing to say about the MCU for the first time in a while.
I need to see thunderbolts in the cinema. The trailer is great and I love these characters. This movie has me more excited than I’ve been about a super hero movie in a while. Black widow was super underrated btw
Watching Hawkeye. Did Maya/Echo always have that prosthetic leg?
Not in the comics, but since the actress actually has one they wrote it into the character
I’m not the biggest fan of D’Onofrio’s Kingpin. He just doesn’t come across as intimidating at all to me. He doesn’t have a domineering presence.