  • Mar 5

    So tonight, and going forward for this show, Daredevil will be discussed in the following (not saying you can't talk about it in here but this won't be the MAIN THREAD for it):

    Given the change in Marvel TV formatting (yearly releases of Seasons) I think it would be fair to have separate threads for these shows:

    Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man
    X-Men '97
    Daredevil: Born Again

    As more shows are announced with multiple seasons planned, I think it would make sense for the threads to be made.

    So if it comes out that say, Nova is greenlit as a multi season show, that should have its own thread. But Wonder Man, being a spotlight show, looks to be a one and done, so that discussion could stay here since it wouldn't sustain past the single season.

    At least this is how I am thinking of going about this thread going forward.

  • Jeff Sneider says Celine Song may have taken some meetings with Marvel

  • Mar 8
    1 reply

    Rewatched Civil War the other day just because I’m pretty sure it’s my favorite MCU movie by now. Once again loved how tight and well-played out it is, but also caught a lot of things that I never thought of before

    First, the absolute core of the entire conflict of this movie is the fact that this cosmic s*** is totally f***ing with peoples, and especially supes, brains. Cosmic s*** represented in both instances by Wanda the unstable wizard and Vision a non-human robot that would never act the way a human does. Second, if you ask me the way to ‘avoid’ this movie is to let Tony do his billionaire philanthropy s*** full time, and let Cap run avengers in a full fledged US military wing fashion. hilarious that it’s basically the opposite of what they did in the movie and I wonder if it’s a plot deficiency that I just now dissolved. Finally, of course we all know they are retharded supes and the whole thing is a conflict of egos, which when used by a paramilitary proper (Zemo) brings the entire thing crumble, at least until infinity war. Just a lot of acting stuff that works to make this otherwise average script happen

  • Mar 9
    1 reply

    Rewatched Civil War the other day just because I’m pretty sure it’s my favorite MCU movie by now. Once again loved how tight and well-played out it is, but also caught a lot of things that I never thought of before

    First, the absolute core of the entire conflict of this movie is the fact that this cosmic s*** is totally f***ing with peoples, and especially supes, brains. Cosmic s*** represented in both instances by Wanda the unstable wizard and Vision a non-human robot that would never act the way a human does. Second, if you ask me the way to ‘avoid’ this movie is to let Tony do his billionaire philanthropy s*** full time, and let Cap run avengers in a full fledged US military wing fashion. hilarious that it’s basically the opposite of what they did in the movie and I wonder if it’s a plot deficiency that I just now dissolved. Finally, of course we all know they are retharded supes and the whole thing is a conflict of egos, which when used by a paramilitary proper (Zemo) brings the entire thing crumble, at least until infinity war. Just a lot of acting stuff that works to make this otherwise average script happen

    Cap was never wit being under the thumb of the govt tho

  • The new Spider-Man show was pretty good. I liked the animation style too unlike many here.

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    Need it

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    Need it

    what was it? Think it got deleted

  • Jammuh

    what was it? Think it got deleted

    Development footage of the upcoming Avengers ride at Disney's California Adventure. This site has pics from it

  • Some stuff came out about the Stark Flight Lab attraction as well

  • Here's the video again

    and more

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    Cap was never wit being under the thumb of the govt tho

    nah he loves all this spy anti terrorist s***, fought in ww2 too. plus captain america is a government program anyhow

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    nah he loves all this spy anti terrorist s***, fought in ww2 too. plus captain america is a government program anyhow

    Media literacy award ..

  • flootures

    Media literacy award ..

    civil war starts with him tracking terrorists in a foreign country, his personal motivations for this are irrelevant because avengers is still an extension of the us military whether they all loved it or had any 'accords' to pin them down more precisely

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    Sure Scarlett, sure

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    Sure Scarlett, sure

    Never saw the black widow movie is it any good

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    Never saw the black widow movie is it any good

    The first two acts are pretty good but the last act is where it kind of falls flat. Also Taskmaster wasn’t done well at all.

    I did love all the family stuff with Natasha, Yelena, Red Guardian, and Melina. A lot of the hand to hand combat was cool.

    It’s a solid watch if you like Natasha’s character. It also works best (if marathoning) if it’s watched right after Civil War. Aside from the post credit scene it takes place like a week after Civil War. It should’ve come out then and not after Endgame.

    Overall kind of a mixed bag for me but leaning positive.

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  • Josh


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    I don't know man, First 15 minutes of this show were great but... it just doesn't feel like the Netflix Daredevil we enjoyed. It's doesn't hit at that level.

    Maybe its the dialogue?

  • Marvel "retconning" the Death of Gwen Stacy for her do die with the web catching her torso instead of her ankle is funny

  • AldErson

    I don't know man, First 15 minutes of this show were great but... it just doesn't feel like the Netflix Daredevil we enjoyed. It's doesn't hit at that level.

    Maybe its the dialogue?

    That’s cause he’s barely been in costume. Fisk hasn’t even been on his Kingpin. Let it develop