They gotta toss those posters in the bin btw
They’re crazy as hell for releasing those after setting this bar
Prediction: first look at stretchy man is gnna be some low res promo or like photo on physical toy or some s*** and its gnna look like ass and everyone gonna cry
As long as he keeps doing a great job, I’m fine with him getting a lot of work.
He consistently has standout performances in whatever he’s in
Literally all classics coming so soon
lmao i mean at least he'll be in the new Ari Aster film. i think he might have a couple other auteur works coming out but yea this lineup is pretty crazy
Bro is in a bunch of “cross your fingers and hope it’s good”
why was this hated so much
First half is pretty good but the second half gets bad real quick bc of studio meddling . Director is also a huge POS and was incredibly difficult to work with especially for the women on set
First half is pretty good but the second half gets bad real quick bc of studio meddling . Director is also a huge POS and was incredibly difficult to work with especially for the women on set
yeah i watched a video talking about the cut stuff from the movie and about him
i really did enjoy some parts but it felt like it like got really crazy out of nowhere then just ended like 2 minutes later
Ima just say: everything we’ve seen is the first half of the film and they cast oddly serious ass actors for such a goofy looking film