Wake up babe, new Reed Richards candidate dropped
He will never top this I’m afraid
Wake up babe, new Reed Richards candidate dropped
F*** no man
Just give us the nigga from You and call it a day
I could potentially see this but weird it’s not reeds movie
They must really be gunning for Maker and stuff
“Reed Richards won’t actually use his powers to stretch his body but rather nanotechnology”
Inb4 youtubers goin mental over this
I could potentially see this but weird it’s not reeds movie
We got enough men focused superhero movies for a lifetime
We got enough men focused superhero movies for a lifetime
Three failed F4 movies centered around Reed lets change it up for a bit
I know people sick of Marvel having women in the lead but out of all times they’ve done it this makes the most sense. Sue’s the glue of the team I can see how an origin story might be centered around her
But I don’t trust anything on Twitter about this movie cause almost nothing that has been said has been true
If they take this route they may be taking Hickman’s run as inspiration which is a great run of FF comics
DCEULeaks right again
Getting more traction