I been thinking of Clive lately too where the hell is that man
But yeah Viggo needs to bring back that Eastern Promises energy for Doom. I think the being European is probably too much a part of Dooms character for it to be Denzel.
Who would you like within Adam’s age range tho
Who would you like within Adam’s age range tho
Doom never seemed young to me so idk
should be someone pretty established
Doom never seemed young to me so idk
should be someone pretty established
I always felt like they were roughly the same age, with Doom at most being 5 years older, but there’s no one that would cross me as Doom-type of that age smh.
We might have to do with the old man thing
Driver would be great as Reed or as Doom really
I still think that dude off stranger things is it dacre would be good as human torch
I always felt like they were roughly the same age, with Doom at most being 5 years older, but there’s no one that would cross me as Doom-type of that age smh.
We might have to do with the old man thing
Yeah Doom is from the Carpathian mountains or whatever so it shouldn't be that hard to find some lesser known central European or Romanian actor with some dramatic heft. Like when they pulled Spanish Javier Bardem out of nowhere for No Country. Hell maybe give it to Javier.
Yeah Doom is from the Carpathian mountains or whatever so it shouldn't be that hard to find some lesser known central European or Romanian actor with some dramatic heft. Like when they pulled Spanish Javier Bardem out of nowhere for No Country. Hell maybe give it to Javier.
Wish they didn’t already waste Mads cause he would’ve killed it too
Yeah Doom is from the Carpathian mountains or whatever so it shouldn't be that hard to find some lesser known central European or Romanian actor with some dramatic heft. Like when they pulled Spanish Javier Bardem out of nowhere for No Country. Hell maybe give it to Javier.
announcement when?
I’m definitely in for Driver being cast as Reed. He was the highlight of the Star Wars sequel trilogy
announcement when?
Really shocked if it's Driver considering how poorly Disney treated that man in SW.
I’m definitely in for Driver being cast as Reed. He was the highlight of the Star Wars sequel trilogy
Yeah he was, especially when he was bullying Hux
Really shocked if it's Driver considering how poorly Disney treated that man in SW.
Made him a household name?
When Deadline reports this…we won
That’s dope. He’ll be a great lead in the MCU. Gonna be a central piece for years