  • Feb 4
    1 reply

    My Valeria hopes might be dead

    We’ll see her because Franklin has been heavily rumored

  • Those costumes look so good

  • Feb 4
    3 replies

    He doesn't sound like the Thing he sounds like Cousin

    Immersion ruined

  • Not 100% sold yet but I really liked the teaser

  • Feb 4
    1 reply
    PFLP optimisticman

    Sue storm actress looks miscast

    she's like the one really good thing to me

  • Feb 4
    1 reply

    First half of fan4stic was on the way. Will never forget the feeling of the drop off

    where do you feel like it gets bad. i aint watched it in so long but remember always enjoying the space sequence and them getting powers

  • Feb 4
    1 reply
    Chief OGDOLLVS

    We’ll see her because Franklin has been heavily rumored

    I’m getting wires crossed, but didn’t they say there’s no Doom on this world. Hopefully that’s just a lie.

    From the synopsis, it seems they’re going for Galactid wants Earth but finds Franklin and wants him. Makes them choose, “Family” themes. Ends with Franklin blowing them into the 616 universe


    she's like the one really good thing to me

    Idk bruh I look at her and I can just tell she's British. Like she doesn't have the American white woman look of sue storm

  • Feb 4
    2 replies

    No shot of Mr fantastic powers.. I’m worried it’s gonna like hella goofy with bad CGI

    The Thing also looks kinda off and the voice doesn’t match it. Needs to be deeper tone and gruffer imo

  • BigSkinny

    I’m getting wires crossed, but didn’t they say there’s no Doom on this world. Hopefully that’s just a lie.

    From the synopsis, it seems they’re going for Galactid wants Earth but finds Franklin and wants him. Makes them choose, “Family” themes. Ends with Franklin blowing them into the 616 universe

    I’ve seen that if Doom shows up it’ll be in the post credits scene.

    And with Franklin that does makes sense because of his role in Secret Wars

  • teaser was great! can’t wait for this. praying it’s a return for marvel

  • Looks great. Still not seeing pascal as reed tho

  • Cole2

    No shot of Mr fantastic powers.. I’m worried it’s gonna like hella goofy with bad CGI

    The Thing also looks kinda off and the voice doesn’t match it. Needs to be deeper tone and gruffer imo

    They were definitely trying to avoid getting memed on

  • Why does the thing sound like a normal guy

  • Feb 4

    I need to see Reed, the Universal Builder, in this. Don’t give me any deus ex bullshit with him

  • Feb 4
    1 reply

    Streets saying mr fantastic not gonna stretch in this movie

  • Feb 4
    1 reply

    He doesn't sound like the Thing he sounds like Cousin

    Immersion ruined

    Yeah it’s taking me out of it. I’m honestly surprised they didn’t put any effects on his voice or even adjust the tone

    It’s just his normal voice

  • BrainWorms4U

    where do you feel like it gets bad. i aint watched it in so long but remember always enjoying the space sequence and them getting powers

    I think it’s like halfway or 60% through. Can’t remember exactly but it’s literally like a scene to scene WTF just happened

  • Just remember silver surfHer is in this movie

  • Cole2

    No shot of Mr fantastic powers.. I’m worried it’s gonna like hella goofy with bad CGI

    The Thing also looks kinda off and the voice doesn’t match it. Needs to be deeper tone and gruffer imo

    Your worry is probably the exact reason they haven’t shown it yet . They will probably spend some more time working on the CGI for his powers before they show us

  • Cole2

    Yeah it’s taking me out of it. I’m honestly surprised they didn’t put any effects on his voice or even adjust the tone

    It’s just his normal voice

    Bro I was just rewatching some clips from avengers and I realized why did they not keep the voice changer for tony throughout all the movies. The deep robotic voice gave him so much more aura

  • The Galactus shot over the city was fire

  • Feb 4
    2 replies

    more posters

  • BrainWorms4U

    more posters

    Is this AI??

  • when mr. fantastic hits galactus with the gomu gomu no pistol