  • Feb 4
    1 reply

    I need to see Galactus eat at least one planet in this

  • NobodyWins

    I need to see Galactus eat at least one planet in this

    I’m interested to see how they nerf him

  • Feb 4

    Guy holding large blue flag has 3 fingers

    Multibillion dollar company btw

  • Feb 4
    1 reply

    Guy holding large blue flag has 3 fingers

    Such a terrible oversight too lol like everything else was looking on point, even the things way in the back where they could've slacked off. But one of the most obvious things that could be caught easily in the foreground they let slide smh

  • Feb 4

    That wasn’t worth an hour extra countdown though

  • Feb 4
    1 reply

    AI posters is so lame lol doesn’t make me feel more confident in this…


  • Feb 4
    2 replies
    Smacked Voodoo

    Such a terrible oversight too lol like everything else was looking on point, even the things way in the back where they could've slacked off. But one of the most obvious things that could be caught easily in the foreground they let slide smh

    Really showcasing how much they dgaf.

    This is strike 2 so far btw after them repeating stock sounds in the trailer

    The marvel brand cannot afford this low effort bs right now. It’s F4 ffs!

  • Boss Logic

  • NobodyWins

    AI posters is so lame lol doesn’t make me feel more confident in this…


    Guess this is the new normal

  • Cherrywine1

    Really showcasing how much they dgaf.

    This is strike 2 so far btw after them repeating stock sounds in the trailer

    The marvel brand cannot afford this low effort bs right now. It’s F4 ffs!

    Honestly I ain't give a s*** about the stock sound effects in that 15 second teaser to the teaser. Yeah it was definitely awkward and lazy, but the idea of even having that teaser for the teaser was stupid to me off rip. They shouldn't have even bothered with it to me

  • Feb 4
    2 replies

    what were they thinking with the 2015 one ffs

  • Feb 4
    1 reply

    what were they thinking with the 2015 one ffs

    Ultimate Fantastic Four if I had to guess

  • humey

    what were they thinking with the 2015 one ffs

    "wouldn't it be horrible to have these powers"

  • Feb 4
    1 reply

    Okay I might be fully in on things design

    The Rock eyebrows sells it for me. Way better than the og movie series

  • Feb 4
    1 reply

    He’s not gonna have a superhero team up like the Justice league or guardians lol. He already said it’s a superman/lois movie first.

    He's definitely converting all those heroes to his homies, and got the cgi animal. Literally gunn formula

    Just like shang chi, captain marvel, etc

    Most solo movies now are "team + merch seller"

  • Feb 4
    2 replies

    Things CGI looks really uncanny. I wonder why it’s so hard for marvel to figure CGI out. Transformers (2007) and rise of the planet of the apes (2011) still have better cgi than modern mcu films

  • Cherrywine1

    Things CGI looks really uncanny. I wonder why it’s so hard for marvel to figure CGI out. Transformers (2007) and rise of the planet of the apes (2011) still have better cgi than modern mcu films

    yeah that was the most glaring thing to me too. feels like it's been a while since i've seen cgi and immediately thought oh wow that looks like cgi.

    really thought this was the film marvel was gonna get their s*** together and pull out all the stops for but now i'm less convinced.

  • Feb 4

    Things CGI looks really uncanny. I wonder why it’s so hard for marvel to figure CGI out. Transformers (2007) and rise of the planet of the apes (2011) still have better cgi than modern mcu films

    Their standardized shooting style for the modern movies make it look so flat. I think that's a primary reason why, cuz there's no reason that Tranformers from 07 would have better tech than FX houses in 2024-25. That and their condensed schedule they punish themselves with.

  • Nah, I just looked at that poster again and you can definitely see a fifth finger

  • Feb 4
    Smacked Voodoo

    I'd be surprised if she's in this. I'm still curious how they introduce Valeria in this when her birth is so heavily tied to Doctor Doom.

    All this multiverse hopping s*** going on

    apparently RDJ Doom is actually Dr. Doom, that could just be a play on semantics and he's actually (like a previous poster mentioned) Howard or Tony that didn't follow the same success plan as the normal version and delved into magic. Keep the story of Howard/ Tony first love being Valeria and naming the daughter.

    Idk lol, I want her in for Doomsday and SW, so the only way is to have her in this, but im losing hope lol

  • Feb 4
    1 reply

    Guy holding large blue flag has 3 fingers

    4th finger is just tucked in you can see it

  • Cherrywine1

    Really showcasing how much they dgaf.

    This is strike 2 so far btw after them repeating stock sounds in the trailer

    The marvel brand cannot afford this low effort bs right now. It’s F4 ffs!

    Bruh the mcu is basically over until we get xmen. Youve been watching the filler arc for years

  • Cousin in the kitchen critiquing a robot

    Really good teaser though

  • Feb 4
    1 reply

    4th finger is just tucked in you can see it

    I’m not seeing it tbh