makaveli a mcu shill confirmed
damn ur weird ass still on my d*** 😂 across threads lmaoo
damn ur weird ass still on my d*** 😂 across threads lmaoo
cause u got terrible opinions in every thread lol u a hela stan what type of s*** is dat
cause u got terrible opinions in every thread lol u a hela stan what type of s*** is dat
a hela stan nigga huh lmaoo
Boy u must be on the spectrum
Just sad, literally took down Asgard whole army by herself but u wanna claim she boring 🤦🏽♂️ Wtf
She the rightful air to the throne that ain’t even that bland
Ain’t all about strength
Loki a more interesting and compelling villain then mid ass hela
Can’t wait to see this again , I think a 2nd viewing might solidify it as my favorite MCU film
Can’t wait to see this again , I think a 2nd viewing might solidify it as my favorite MCU film
I got a second viewing showing September 1st so ready
I got a second viewing showing September 1st so ready
Anticipating that 3rd act
Ain’t all about strength
Loki a more interesting and compelling villain then mid ass hela
I thought she was great but obviously we don’t share the same vision of what makes a good villain.
I thought she was great but obviously we don’t share the same vision of what makes a good villain.
What do you think makes a good villain? Hela boring af.
What do you think makes a good villain? Hela boring af.
She was charismatic and has a dope costume design
Dope backstory, I love how they used to really just be stepping on niggas across the galaxy but then odin switched up and changed their history and locked her ass up. Also the fact she technically is the rightful queen
All her actions scene are fantastic, some of the best in the mcu. My only problem is she kinda disappears for like half the movie
She was charismatic and has a dope costume design
Dope backstory, I love how they used to really just be stepping on niggas across the galaxy but then odin switched up and changed their history and locked her ass up. Also the fact she technically is the rightful queen
All her actions scene are fantastic, some of the best in the mcu. My only problem is she kinda disappears for like half the movie
meh. Glad you liked her but she was def disappointing for me. Anytime she was on screen, i wanted it to go back to what Thor, Valkyrie and hulk were up to
meh. Glad you liked her but she was def disappointing for me. Anytime she was on screen, i wanted it to go back to what Thor, Valkyrie and hulk were up to
Fr hela just boring as s*** as well as all the moments on asgard except the final battle
Fr hela just boring as s*** as well as all the moments on asgard except the final battle
the moments at asgard when thor comes and loki is odin is epic
the moments at asgard when thor comes and loki is odin is epic
Oh yeah that one is nice too, I'm more so talking about the whole hzimdall on the run part
Oh yeah that one is nice too, I'm more so talking about the whole hzimdall on the run part
i completely forgot about that subplot
i completely forgot about that subplot
feels like mid lord of the rings
feels like mid lord of the rings
almost read this post as u calling lotr mid
but yea heimdall overall was done dirty, his best moment is in infinity war
almost read this post as u calling lotr mid
but yea heimdall overall was done dirty, his best moment is in infinity war
I feel like the Thor series had some of the best actors in the MCU but they did nothing with them Anthony Hopkins man
I feel like the Thor series had some of the best actors in the MCU but they did nothing with them Anthony Hopkins man
Asgard was a waste of potential to be frank. It really could have been so much more.
All of Asgard is a mid version of LOTR
Asgard was a waste of potential to be frank. It really could have been so much more.
All of Asgard is a mid version of LOTR
Norse mythology a bit older than Tolkien guy
Norse mythology a bit older than Tolkien guy
I’m talking specifically the MCU version of Asgard
I’m talking specifically the MCU version of Asgard
You mean Rivendell or? All LOTR makes no sense