I mean he doesn’t need a redemption. Best Superman of all time.
I wouldn't be shocked by a DeadPool 3 move either cause they both are so close and always wanted to do it but didn't get the chance.
It's hard to sell a third film in most franchise but make it a Old Man Logan and Deadpool buddy film about them in the MCU........ Sell tickets
F***s up with u?
Was looking for a post and saw hell!
He also agreed to appear in Deadpool 3 as far as we know so...
I hope Hugh jackman is still in Deadpool 3 in some capacity
Mannnnn I can believe this came true 18 months later
Prophet FREE strikes again
On S2 of X-Men TAS and it’s a f***ing solid show
Is there any info on X-Men 97, like does it tie in with this show or with the MCU or is it a completely separate thing?
On S2 of X-Men TAS and it’s a f***ing solid show
Is there any info on X-Men 97, like does it tie in with this show or with the MCU or is it a completely separate thing?
It's going to be a continuation of the original cartoon. As far as tie ins idk
They did release some images at Comic Con
I will guarantee you before being cast 60% of the actors have no knowledge of the character outside how they look
I thought everybody wanted the other Kiki as Storm.
She’s in costume as Rogue
I will guarantee you before being cast 60% of the actors have no knowledge of the character outside how they look
Wouldn't she be too old by the time they do it anyway? Unless they're going for a young adult X-men
She’s in costume as Rogue
I didn't even click the tweet. Now that I did.. my bad, lol.
Rewatching clips from the last franchise and Magento is one of my favorite comic characters ever I forgot how cool he was even when he was being a sassy d*** with Charles lol
Script for an unreleased Fox spin-off “X-Men: Fear the Beast” has leaked
Script for an unreleased Fox spin-off “X-Men: Fear the Beast” has leaked
Read the first 32 pages. A fun idea, wish they leaned even harder away from CBM tropes tho and got more into Hank's psyche.
Loved the beginning though, set a good tone.