Y'all really want 50+ year olds still playing/reprising their roles from 20 year old defunct movie franchises
De-age that nigga I don’t care
Hugh my wolverine
I hope they actually cast a short Wolverine this time . Hugh Jackman is 6'3, Wolverine is supposed to be like 5'3
Height don't matter tbh High killed it regardless and RDJ short as s*** irl and still slide as Ironman
Don’t read too much into the title
Also this probably isn’t coming before 2024 if they’re announcing “early development” now
https://twitter.com/maswartz226/status/1367628200830992385They made the right choice lol
De-age that nigga I don’t care
Hugh my wolverine
if they bring back Hugh then the Logan film will lose all its weight and meaning
Height don't matter tbh High killed it regardless and RDJ short as s*** irl and still slide as Ironman
Height is an extremely important part of Wolverine's character. I mean his name is Wolverine lol
He is a tiny and violent man with extreme anger issues
if they bring back Hugh then the Logan film will lose all its weight and meaning
F*** it
We getting multiple timelines and universes. Throw that nigga through a portal and lets go
Height is an extremely important part of Wolverine's character. I mean his name is Wolverine lol
He is a tiny and violent man with extreme anger issues
I get it man I'm a fan I'm just saying if Hugh proved anything you can do it well without it.
I just want someone good Idc about height
Illuminerdi very reliable
They reported Doc Ock a month before he was announced
So we're getting a big reveal in WandaVision tomorrow then
dont know if that logos official but its hard
They gotta use it now
The font Perfectly pays homage to the 90’s X Men + the fact that they’ve had to avoid using the word mutant in the MCU and I didn’t even know that Stan wanted to originally name the book that
Perfect title
F*** it
We getting multiple timelines and universes. Throw that nigga through a portal and lets go
Marvel already set up how to fix that when they had Old Man Logan join main continuity after that movie dropped
Feige had them plant seeds
And yeah I’m not tryna see an uncanny valley de aged wolverine
Hugh did all he needs to
They might as well give him a whole new origin maybe even start him out fighting a war in real time in F and the WS
F*** it
We getting multiple timelines and universes. Throw that nigga through a portal and lets go
I actually think they will considering that's an actual plotline from the comics
No need to de age just keep him old no one cares tbh Harrison Ford was doing his stunts at 70 and Hugh in his 50s and more fit then his 20s???