Need to re release all the old films trailers but with Sentry in em like this iconic campaign
! do know he's agoraphobic right? With that being sure The Void was outside still.
I don’t understand why Universal doesn’t do a Sony type deal with Marvel. They’re missing out on a billion dollars
universal does have a deal but they want way more money per movie and hulk has never been a successful franchise so it’s easier for marvel to just put him in other stuff
Kinda off topic but kinda relates to Hulk.
If there's multiple Spider-Man's doesn't that mean there's multiple hulks and iron mans etc?
Basically but a lot of them aren’t like carbon copies kind of how miles isn’t a carbon copy of Peter in terms of powers
But basically every superhero has a comic replacement
They're definitely setting up for the next era to go to another dimension indefinitely.
Shang Chi links up with Wong and those rings I'm sure have something to do with multi verse.
There's basically nothing worth fighting for in the current Universe of you think about it.
Everything points to a complete jump
Fantastic Four and X Men I think will be even better than the Avengers Chapters
the rings, the bangle, and blade’s sword are all tied to the eternals no?
The idea we have to wait for the next phase for this to even possibly happen is ridiculous
In the meantime we get to watch hulk do yoga with she hulk
the mcu sure does know what they doing am I right guys?
Anyone know if this is true? Marvel officially got the rights back?
EDIT: Variety says they only got the right back to The Incredible Hulk film not the character
Anyone know if this is true? Marvel officially got the rights back?
EDIT: Variety says they only got the right back to The Incredible Hulk film not the character’ve been reading this over a few years BUT
The Incredible Hulk is coming to D+ tomorrow I heard so it kinda checks out
Man I'd love for this to happen but they already butchered the planet hulk storyline in Ragnarok and Hulk has been made a complete joke recently in the MCU. They even did the professor hulk plotline off-screen. I genuinely can't see how they could do this storyline justice
Man I'd love for this to happen but they already butchered the planet hulk storyline in Ragnarok and Hulk has been made a complete joke recently in the MCU. They even did the professor hulk plotline off-screen. I genuinely can't see how they could do this storyline justice
not to mention he's got a son now too. bro's done
Man I'd love for this to happen but they already butchered the planet hulk storyline in Ragnarok and Hulk has been made a complete joke recently in the MCU. They even did the professor hulk plotline off-screen. I genuinely can't see how they could do this storyline justice
Probably won’t be the case but if they wanted a little standalone they could have it take place in the time between Age of Ultron & Ragnarok. Maybe we meet the mother of the son
Lock thread, bring back OP. Then ban him is all Universal’s fault
Lock thread, bring back OP. Then ban him banned or left?
OP banned or left?
He just left. He’s proof there is a life on the other side of KTT
Lock thread, bring back OP. Then ban him ban that Nigga