Also please lord give us another BP soundtrack
Who you want curating this time?
Holy s***, they color graded a marvel film. This looks incredible visually. No more grey washed out colors
wow that looked great and super beautiful didn’t really like the first one but this looked insane
need to rewatch the first one
Looks like the best phase 4 movie tbh visually at least, they kinda ripping off Avatar with the Blue fish people tho
marvel had blue fish people for ages iirc
Y’all think Chadwick was able to film some scenes in this before he passed?
Maybe they went to his house to record some voice over
marvel had blue fish people for ages iirc
Huh the more you know, I’m not super familiar with Marvels Atlantis besides Ultimate Alliance back in 06
Looks like the best phase 4 movie tbh visually at least, they kinda ripping off Avatar with the Blue fish people tho
Atlanteans are blue in the comics
Huh the more you know, I’m not super familiar with Marvels Atlantis besides Ultimate Alliance back in 06
me neither but i knew that much
Shuri becoming the Panther won’t win people over as an idea. Still hasn’t won me over cause they should’ve just recast but it’s whatever now
So it’ll come down to Letitia’s performance + plot. I think they’re gonna nail it