Directed by Chloé Zhao, Eternals will feature a new group of superbeings, more ancient and powerful than the MCU’s current host of heroes. The all-star cast includes Richard Madden, Salma Hayek, Angelina Jolie, Don Lee, Gemma Chan, and Barry Keoghan as the titular entities. As explained in Marvel Comics, the Eternals were seeded into humankind thousands of years ago by cosmic entities known as the Celestials - some of whom have already appeared in Marvel movies.
Could be getting a trailer soon
If not with Star Wars then probably near late winter/early spring ?
Zhao's a legend. we in on the best marvel movie if the script's tight and free of them dookie jokes.
This movie is gonna remind people why MCU is still on top
Everyone thinks the MCU is done after End Game came out
But the Eternals will show a new side of MCU.
I think this movie will be critically acclaimed
Praying kingo and phastos make it to the next big crossover
Need cgi kumail flying around cuttin niggas up
Dont give a f*** about this, only hope this will do good so the studios let Chloé Zhao cook with her future projects
Dont give a f*** about this, only hope this will do good so the studios let Chloé Zhao cook with her future projects
u gave enough f***s to post this in this thread
u gave enough f***s to post this in this thread
because of Chloé Zhao :word:
Diversity in the cast
s/o Shaun King
someone give me a 101 on what the Eternals are
Only Marvel property I'm looking forward to in 2020.
Falcon & Winter Soldier is gonna be one of the best things they've done. I've got a feeling
This as shocking as when I found out the dude who plays Chidi in The Good Place was jacked
....give it a rest b. I thought this superhero marvel s*** was done after endgame??? Dis looks wack
....give it a rest b. I thought this superhero marvel s*** was done after endgame??? Dis looks wack
You think Disney’s gonna stop making superhero movies after their last one became the highest grossing movie of all time?
They’re doing 2 next year and 4 a year up until at least 2023. Not to mention about 2-4 Disney Plus series a year.
S*** don’t ever stop