Some of the worst cover art ever
And that's a shame bc the standard edition cover was so good
No idea why this album is so slept. Easily Ross’ best
Honestly yes
one of my fav wayne fts
thought the cover was reallyyyyyy wack at the time but looking back yea, great cover and era
You wanted to f***in' walk around these roaches
These niggas is roaches
These niggas is mere motherfuckin' mortals
I'm tryna push you to supreme bein'
You don't wanna motherfuckin'
You don't wanna embrace your destiny
You wanna get by
You don't wanna go into the motherfuckin' dark
Where it's lonely
You can't handle the motherfuckin', the pain
Of the motherfuckin' not knowin' when the s*** is gonna stop
You f***in' wanna walk around with these niggas?
What the f*** is their culture?
Where the f*** is their souls at?
What defines you?
These niggas with these f***in' silly looks on their faces
You wanna walk around with them or you wanna walk with God, nigga?
Make up your got damn mind