nintendo is life
just found out about the mario kart wii mods, pickin the game up tomorrow lol
GTA 6 isn’t gonna look that good
Not even close lol the systems alone is gonna make that s*** a basically 60 fps rdr2 with more activities on ps5 series X
We desperately need a new Mario kart
I hate the app dude, I think it’s ruined Mario kart for us fans lol
I don’t just want deluxe for the entire life cycle of the switch lol
just found out about the mario kart wii mods, pickin the game up tomorrow lol
havent really played much kart since i was young but i got pikmin 3 for christmas dread was amazing too
Mario kart deserves an “ultimate” we need every map
And double dash mechanics(admit you tho deluxe is close enough)
But I want more robust online options, and a real level system.
last game i actually put some hours into was mk11 i didnt even beat red dead 2 i lost interest
last game i actually put some hours into was mk11 i didnt even beat red dead 2 i lost interest
I bought rdr2 at the drop and finally played it a month ago.
Lasted 5 minutes and was like ehh, what else is there
last game i actually put some hours into was mk11 i didnt even beat red dead 2 i lost interest
Subnautica recently hit me with a stonger sense of wonder and awe than anything has since Ocarina when i was a kid, could not rec it harder
hm to my first fallout 3/oblivion plays
I just hope the next Zelda is as good as BOTW
I have all the confidence in the world it will be. I fully expect it to blow minds with the creativity. I expect nothing less from the sequel to botw.
havent really played much kart since i was young but i got pikmin 3 for christmas dread was amazing too
haven't played pikmin b4 lol
I just hope the next Zelda is as good as BOTW
they will keep delaying it until it is factually better
haven't played pikmin b4 lol
havent played it since the first one 1000 years ago but its definitely got that miyamoto touch
I feel like this thread has been to positive, it’s an uneasy feeling
…..fuck matrix 4 I guess?!?
one time my homie posted up in walmart wit a lawnchair for 2 hours playing the demo games and they kicked him out
Walkin thru Target and playin the King Kong demo
This but at GameStop and thinking it looked just like a movie