@YoungNastyShawty Has he shared a release date with you at all, Eric?
I got a lot of fun videos in my phone new Matt Cleare is on the way I got the last song cleared off the project so I’m feeling very grateful
Wait, is the album still coming out on the 13th?
@YoungNastyShawty Ask him, Eric.
@YoungNastyShawty Eric, please.
@YoungNastyShawty Eric, please.
don't think its today, nothing dropped in the UK
@OP Butterfly Twist - October 13th
My 9/11...
Pre-save now.
he better release at least 2 more this year or an LP
otherwise hes on the how to kill your buzz asap trajectory
he better release at least 2 more this year or an LP
otherwise hes on the how to kill your buzz asap trajectory
I don't know about all that but who teases an EP for a year?