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  • May 12, 2023
    2 replies

    Bunch of losers mad about this bro stg lol…

    He’s just having dumb bro talk with the bros, we all do this from time to time

    Trust me this generation is doomed but the next generation will rebel and we will get a bunch of cool art and music from it

    They’ll rebel cause their parents (this Gen z) were such pussies

    twitter liberals can be cringy and performative but ngl music rebelling against 'pussy gen z snowflakes' sounds absolutely awful. rebellious music about how u could once say offensive stuff with your friends?

    'cool art and music' that rebels on the side of conservatism will never ever not be lame

  • May 12, 2023
    1 reply

    Bunch of losers mad about this bro stg lol…

    He’s just having dumb bro talk with the bros, we all do this from time to time

    Trust me this generation is doomed but the next generation will rebel and we will get a bunch of cool art and music from it

    They’ll rebel cause their parents (this Gen z) were such pussies

    Is it THAT hard to not say racist s*** when you with the bros?

    No, fr answer me that.

  • May 12, 2023

    fwiw I wouldn't say they are liberal. nick mullen has progressive views but adam friedland is a mishmash and is probably a centrist. they wanted to be viewed as a sort of ironic political-comedy podcast, but instead are linked with other progressive podcasts like chapo and red scare. what they all have in common is being non-PC which leads to subtle racism bits here and there I'd say.


  • May 12, 2023

    bro reading yahoo news 😭😭😭

  • Everest

    twitter liberals can be cringy and performative but ngl music rebelling against 'pussy gen z snowflakes' sounds absolutely awful. rebellious music about how u could once say offensive stuff with your friends?

    'cool art and music' that rebels on the side of conservatism will never ever not be lame

    This tbh and I think he misunderstands the entire point of rebellions if he thinks it's as simple as "my parents were soft" every single generation has gotten softer. Parents could whip their child with belts 100 years ago and get away with it. You didn't see millennials go "gen x was too nice let's ramp it up on gen z"

    No one rebels just for the sake of rebelling. It'll be over how addicted we are to social media and the microplastics in our food. The next generation won't give a s*** about who wasn't racist enough during "bro talk" or what was on Twitter. That'll be MySpace to them

  • May 12, 2023

    Bunch of losers mad about this bro stg lol…

    He’s just having dumb bro talk with the bros, we all do this from time to time

    Trust me this generation is doomed but the next generation will rebel and we will get a bunch of cool art and music from it

    They’ll rebel cause their parents (this Gen z) were such pussies

    The next generation won't have Gen Z parents, they will have millennial parents

  • May 12, 2023
    3 replies

    no one posted Mama Spice yet?

  • whomst

  • May 12, 2023
    pussy bacon

    This isn't a podcast it's a talk show

    What is the the difference lmao

    Two spidermen point at each other meme

    They the same picture The Office meme

  • May 12, 2023
    2 replies
    MVP Pinhead

    no one posted Mama Spice yet?

    The only body type that looks better with clothes on

  • May 12, 2023
    2 replies

    Bunch of losers mad about this bro stg lol…

    He’s just having dumb bro talk with the bros, we all do this from time to time

    Trust me this generation is doomed but the next generation will rebel and we will get a bunch of cool art and music from it

    They’ll rebel cause their parents (this Gen z) were such pussies

    The sun is melting the planet a quarter of usa will be under water there wont be any affordable housing in the next 20 years at all & you might be forced to eat bugs in the next few decades in place of meat

    But not being able to make "chink" eyes and talk in a oh so hilarious way of exaggerating a race is going be what they rebel against LMAO

  • May 12, 2023

    Hilarious that bro thinks another generation would even rebel to things that he personally finds ridiculous

    They not gonna give a f*** bro

    Cant say things in an oh so funny accents (which was always pffensive to the racists that get made fun of lol) or call arabs "towel heads" oh no the world is doomed we should go back to the 90s and before when the world was oh so much better


  • May 12, 2023

    fwiw I wouldn't say they are liberal. nick mullen has progressive views but adam friedland is a mishmash and is probably a centrist. they wanted to be viewed as a sort of ironic political-comedy podcast, but instead are linked with other progressive podcasts like chapo and red scare. what they all have in common is being non-PC which leads to subtle racism bits here and there I'd say.

    progressive is still liberal if it isn’t full on leftist, also it doesn’t rly change his point. It encapsulates white “but I vote for the right people!” racism where they think they’re off the hook for anything they say bc they have (correctly) anti-racist political positions imo

  • May 12, 2023
    1 reply
    Water Giver
    · edited

    The sun is melting the planet a quarter of usa will be under water there wont be any affordable housing in the next 20 years at all & you might be forced to eat bugs in the next few decades in place of meat

    But not being able to make "chink" eyes and talk in a oh so hilarious way of exaggerating a race is going be what they rebel against LMAO

    Fr lol this country and world is gonna be harder for the next generation the way income inequality and climate change are going (not to mention the lack of tangible change regarding sexism racism transphobia etc) and he thinks they’re gonna rebel bc a twitter comedian got in trouble lol

  • May 12, 2023

    Imagine posting cumtown and being outraged by it

  • May 12, 2023

    Can’t name one 1975 song

    But I can name Ice Spice’s songs

    F*** them c***
    Ice Spice>>>>>

  • May 12, 2023
    Peter E

    Fr lol this country and world is gonna be harder for the next generation the way income inequality and climate change are going (not to mention the lack of tangible change regarding sexism racism transphobia etc) and he thinks they’re gonna rebel bc a twitter comedian got in trouble lol

    If this was the case then by same logic our gen in mass would be rebeling against s*** like "n1gger"/"gook"/"f@​ggot etc. lmao

    Hate the f***ing "WERE DOOMED NOWADAYS" when before the 2010s its objectively fact that life is extremely harder & harsher to anyone not white & male - in USA.

    In this context s*** aint doomed for nobody except white boys that still want to talk reckless even without all the now wide information & more perspectives on why you shouldnt plis growing times

  • May 12, 2023
    Block Muteson

    When will you dipshits stop giving people you disagree with attention

  • May 12, 2023
    Block Muteson

    When will you dipshits stop giving people you disagree with attention

    its basically the nature of the internet now unfortunately

  • May 12, 2023
    The Darkest Angel

    Adam giving the most casual normie take on the topic while Nick does another generic racist impression for the 1000th time. They should've retired after Cumtown

  • Who mocks ice spice?

  • May 13, 2023
    MVP Pinhead

    no one posted Mama Spice yet?
  • May 13, 2023
    1 reply

    i would love to watch them swap juices

  • May 13, 2023
    1 reply
    kyzer kta

    i would love to watch them swap juices

  • May 13, 2023

    ion even think thats her mom tbh but either way i dont care

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