It is on Netflix for you?
It’s available for me. Might have to search for it
It’s available for me. Might have to search for it
It’s not out in my country yet I guess. I’ll just pirate it
Damn this was pretty great. Kinda predictable in what happens, at least to me, but still a good character study, strong performances.
I liked this one but I was confused about some things like Portman’s character having s\*\*\*with Joe? Was she just that deep into character or was it part of her research to see how he’d react? We saw at the end that she kinda turning into her. Second thing, Julianne Moore’s son made up the story about her brothers abusing her and when she tells Portman this she was shook, why? Was it at that moment she realized how much Moore character was in charge of the whole thing and not as naive as she says?
Music and atmosphere was eerie I thought some crazy s*** was about to pop off at any second.
Also, Todd Haynes continues to be a master at framing in a shot. The scene with the daughter trying on dresses, X-Ray room scene, and make up scene were stand outs to me
Poor Joe was getting manipulated by both these women
Anyone have a theory about what the title means?
Watched the first 1.5 hours at work. Boutta finish it in a bit. Saw Natalie Portman irl at work a few years ago, I’ll never forget how beautiful she was.
Poor Joe was getting manipulated by both these women
Anyone have a theory about what the title means?
of or designating a marriage or romantic relationship between a young person and a person who is considerably older
this some red rocket? @p_p
of or designating a marriage or romantic relationship between a young person and a person who is considerably older
this some red rocket? @p_p
Wtf I’ve never heard that phrase before
Wtf I’ve never heard that phrase before
why mos def got a song w that title
Its first literary appearance was in the 14th Century when Chaucer wrote of a young woman named May who married Mr. January, a greying gentleman—further personifying the idea of age in tandem with the seasons (before the Gregorian calendar was accepted and January was changed to December).
Watched the first 1.5 hours at work. Boutta finish it in a bit. Saw Natalie Portman irl at work a few years ago, I’ll never forget how beautiful she was.
you gushing over a white woman, this is a first cody
you gushing over a white woman, this is a first cody
you didnt know me during my AWG phase