Q predicted this
Hear me out, what if he faked his death
BRB. Buying a hammock to honor him.
Who s***ting in ur mouth?
So hes a libertarian nut and killed himself bc he thinks taxes are wrong basically
wild end to a wild life
martyred himself for q
damn mcafee talking too much
TBH i think he did it as one last troll
Im not even joking
mans offed himself as a joke brazy
Ultimate troll
He made the computer program, man.
Ok, dude
This the dude who tried to take over Belize mafia style right?
After looking into this mans life I can safely say we lost a real one. He was truly a based individual and lived life as close to edge as possible. He lived his truth, and I was here to witness it.
R.I.P. John McAfee
yeah he ain’t kill himself
he was not a threat to anything lol. Bro was just not cut like that to face prison time and offed himself. Pretty simple