I hope so
do you guys think he's mentioned because Kim possibly rebounded with Dustin Hoffman?
Kanye has encountered a dusty man. This is obviously in reference to drake. He is like an artifact on the shelf that hasn't been properly used since 2010. Hence the dusty man theory.
Drake is an oldhead dusty b******.
This gonna be the new "And my eyes more red than the devil is"
How so? Was this bar hated then?
I think Ye is saying that he got more of his song titles from Mr. Hoffman while dusting his competitors
The Graduate - Graduation
Family Business - Family Business
Runaway Jury - Runaway
K Lamar
Mad City - Good Kid M.A.A.D City
D Rake
Tootsie - Toosie Slide
This gonna be the new "And my eyes more red than the devil is"
Wait people don’t like this bar? I thought and still think it’s hard as f***
This gonna be the new "And my eyes more red than the devil is"
Drake: My Album is more mid than East is
Wait people don’t like this bar? I thought and still think it’s hard as f***
Real 1
Man was made from dust. Dust in he a huff man / dust and he’ll have man. Trust god not man