  • Oct 20, 2023

    In the last few days I’ve seen countless artists and celebrities getting dm’d and called on to sign letters and signatures displaying they support for P@​lenst1ne. As well meaning as that may be I can’t help but feel a repeat of 2020 again.

    Like cacs was dming noname (someone who historically has always been pro-P) about not posting about it on her ig.

    When did these organizations and movements become so pacified that we gotten to a point where “writing a signature” is all we can think of doing? Where even the most radical or “potentially agressive” acts get shot down by the so called progressives within our ranks?

    RT @simulacrum @americana

  • Oct 20, 2023

    White people love petitions lol

    When you think of any form of action beyond words as aggressive and unnecessary, all you get are worthless documents

  • Oct 20, 2023

    Weve been divided and pacified by x y and z media, social unrest, and chemicals/micro plastics/routinely unhealthy diets and distracting gadgets to not be as bold and proactive about demanding change as we used to be.
    ~30+ years ago there was much more social unity and willingness to take action in physical, tangible avenues for the sake of change and being heard, even if it meant jail time or criminal charges. Losing a job probably wasn’t as big of an issue because businesses were smaller and more family/team oriented, which is more and more true the further back you go.
    It’s a lot of things like this and more. Such individuals are far and few between today. We’ve been meticulously groomed into infighting with our neighbors when we should be banding together against big G and the billionaires.

    editing the f\*\*\* out of this post

  • Oct 20, 2023

    Yes but not on a major scale s*** like that lol thats just some internet power fantasy s*** that is exaggerating a course of action

    But it has worked against smaller corps/buisnesses, smaller neighborhood to city issues and some politicians

    It will not stop a war tho lol nor anything else so major with so many hands and information we dont even know is there etc.

    Just like you might be able to change your town's police behavior but youre not changing the entire country's police behavior with a petition and complaint

    It needs actual higher authority to reign it in on that size and high of a level

    And especially something so huge - a few thousand sigs is not even a drop on the bucket

  • with my org i think we partially do that stuff so we can get a contact list together of people that would be interested in organising for rallys/protests/strikes etc . maybe you're talking about something else tho