  • Updated Feb 9

    official upload of full 30min opening set for Bladee's Cold Visions tour, lit as hell 🥵

    imo his best solo tracks so far are on the Rift One and Rift Two comps, generally essential

    also produced Amygdala, one of the best ecco + bladee tunes, produced a bunch w bladee including a full album

    him and toxe used to be part of a collective w dinamarca and he was part of bala club too. kinda connected w all the cool european club scenes, now throwing his own nights too as Natural Mind. I became a fan just based off him bringing Mica Levi and Ecco2k to panorama bar w PAN, one of the best nights out I've ever had

  • Feb 9
    1 reply


    instant classic

  • Feb 9
    1 reply

    omg there's 2

  • beflygelt

    omg there's 2


    this is just pure euro trance, no irony no nothing and it's incredibly good

  • beflygelt



    instant classic

    Försöker att kontrollera min smärta
    (Trying to control my pain)

    Försöker att vara glad men det känns i mitt hjärta
    (Trying to be happy, but I feel it in my heart)

    Vad ska jag göra när hoppet tagit s***?
    (What should I do when hope is gone?)
    obsessed w this