so they really just made a word that means the same thing as autism lmao
this s*** so diverse it includes 95% of america
not exactly
95% of America is not neurodiverse
you can argue that a large percentage of people experience things like anxiety or depression or stuttering but only a small amount of those people will be permanently affected by it in the same way that a person with Autism, ADHD, OCD, or Dyslexia will never be able to find a true cure or solution for their brain simply being different and not able to do a wide variety of things on the level of their peers
Not to be that guy but I absolutely hate how mfs assume people from the trenches, hood or whatever you wanna call it aren’t smart people. People gotta understand in those settings there’s diverse individuals.I know that’s more than likely a troll account that tweeted that but there’s people that actually think like that 🥴
so they really just made a word that means the same thing as autism lmao
it absolutely does not mean the same thing as autism & any1 saying that is being obtuse
Bruh just got little self awareness that’s all
I believe he is perfectly self aware and just make himself the butt of every joke
So everybody is neurodivergent
i don't really know
honestly i probably just picked a bad infographic
its not something i fully understand myself though
The trenches don't f*** with neurodivergence, back me up @TroyAveStan
Not to be that guy but I absolutely hate how mfs assume people from the trenches, hood or whatever you wanna call it aren’t smart people. People gotta understand in those settings there’s diverse individuals.I know that’s more than likely a troll account that tweeted that but there’s people that actually think like that 🥴
Idk bro this dont sound like #trenchtalk bro