Isn't his boss a informant and Ross was a CO
there was never anything that showed Rick Ross was an informant and people don't understand how crooked COs really be lol
also wasn't Rick Ross like "validated" by like real niggas in Florida if I recall?
Yeah something came out behind the scenes
why do people always say this lol. like artists just have this real based intel that even regular people don't have access to. Like these celebs don't respond to mainstream news like the rest of us (ESPECIALLY someone like Meek lol)
Wow some secret info definitely got out maybe Gunna wasn’t listening to Thugs genius plan but don’t forget Alford plea
need a compilation of meek’s questionable bars. Havent heard either of those instances
Those are Thug bars
there was never anything that showed Rick Ross was an informant and people don't understand how crooked COs really be lol
also wasn't Rick Ross like "validated" by like real niggas in Florida if I recall?
Im not talking about Ross. Desiree Perez is a snitch she's one of the biggest FBI informants in history and Meek has always spoken good about her and hung out around her crew and has never brought up her snitching history. Meek hangs out with snitches and snitched on Drake himself. Now he wants to act better than Gunna. Look her up bro and tell me Meek ain't a hypocrite