If it was just about ass shots it wouldn’t be wordplay in the first place. It’s the Meg double meaning that makes it wordplay
Oh it’s definitely a reference to Meg. Doesn’t mean he’s calling her a b**** and a liar like people saying. He’s rapping about a random woman.
If shes telling the truth then what is she worried about
lmao man that's irrelevant if she's under the assumption people are attacking and saying she's lying. humans have emotions that don't always make total sense we know this
Tf are you on bro ya’ll make up am image by feeding into that bs if you looked at the facts we wouldn’t even be having this convo lmao. Dude was artist of the decade Drake doesn’t need clout at this point. Meg will never achieve that she makes forgettable music.
She clings on for attention by a subtle subliminal in a song. Not his fault she caught feelings for it. People gonna think what they want regardless of these absurd rumors. Make all the assumptions you want looking goofy af lol.
Hypoghettical situation: if Meg turned around and shot drake dead in the face, as an ovo-orphan, how would you feel?
Hypoghettical situation: if Meg turned around and shot drake dead in the face, as an ovo-orphan, how would you feel?
Thread is wild
Idk maybe I'm tripping because I have 4 Black grand parents so his antics come off a bit weird to me
Thread is wild
Well I wpuldve said the chest but drake said he expect a headshot on summer16
Hypoghettical situation: if Meg turned around and shot drake dead in the face, as an ovo-orphan, how would you feel?
Do you ever stop to consider “man should I not post this stupid ass s***?” It has to cross your mind i’d hope
Do you ever stop to consider “man should I not post this stupid ass s***?” It has to cross your mind i’d hope
Drake do it all the time what you mean
Drake do it all the time what you mean
It must suck to be full blown stupid your single braloserl fighting for its life every day
Do you ever stop to consider “man should I not post this stupid ass s***?” It has to cross your mind i’d hope
But you slave to me because you keep replying. I'm legit just saying anything and you bout to get the Canadian goons on me.
But you slave to me because you keep replying. I'm legit just saying anything and you bout to get the Canadian goons on me.
Find god
But you slave to me because you keep replying. I'm legit just saying anything and you bout to get the Canadian goons on me.
you going back and forth on some petty s***...did you just not wanna respond to my reply to you? or you needed some more time? i'm cool with both
It must suck to be full blown stupid your single braloserl fighting for its life every day
Nah it dont cause I can talk s*** while on downtime while getting paid salary. You drake intern
you going back and forth on some petty s***...did you just not wanna respond to my reply to you? or you needed some more time? i'm cool with both
I think missed it. Or maybe I ain't respond cause I had something kinda f***ed up to say
Hypoghettical situation: if Meg turned around and shot drake dead in the face, as an ovo-orphan, how would you feel?
Idrk how Drake getting shot is anything like Megs situation
so if an artist ran into Macaulay Culkin 30 years ago at an event and posed for a photo with him, it would've been in an attempt to siphon off of his younger audience? or is this something you've attributed specifically to Drake? any more examples?
@SUPERMAN here it is. say what you need to say i won't be offended.
Nah it dont cause I can talk s*** while on downtime while getting paid salary. You drake intern
Just stop man