Just found out my cousin does this tonight nigga got like 3 different towels to wash and dry
All I’ve ever needed for a shower was my hands and some soap I never used a wash towel just a lil simple towel to dry
Are y’all tryna get smooth like a female or something might as well shave yuuh legs at dat point
they calling you dirty idk why they think you need 5 towels when you can just use one towel and wash your towels more
Damn bro you must smell sour as f***.
Like... this is honestly nasty as f***. I didn’t know people live like this.
You don’t have ANYTHING to scrub?
That’s not musk that’s rotting dry skin and dirt, my guy
Please start exfoliating
That’s not musk that’s rotting dry skin and dirt, my guy
Please start exfoliating
That’s not musk that’s rotting dry skin and dirt, my guy
Please start exfoliating
im crying bro