What is the correlation? Should it be such a taboo? Does self-medicating exist? Do you feel empathy for d*** addicts?
errbody addicted to something.
ehh not really? at least not specifically d****
ehh not really? at least not specifically d****
i don't put d**** at the forefront of evil
addiction on the other hand is a walk of life some addictions better than others. some addictions have the same adverse effects d**** do on the body and life. some don't
as far as taboo mental health is taboo to talk about which kind of leads people to self medicate, which kind of leads to other things as well.
which is the correlation for some people but just because things aren't great doesn't mean you started off with a mental illness you could have ended up with one.
and you could suffer from a mental illness be perscribed and then develop an addiction after being clean for your whole life.
gotta define the addict and what you think an addict is for yourself Op. it ain't the worse s***.