Much love fam. I’m trying but it’s hard to constantly be hustling with it feels like every factor out of your control is working against you and life just keeps introducing new obstacles while others seem to always have a smoother path.
I’ve come to the conclusion that we will always have problems. It’s a matter of what kind of problems do you want to have.
feel that. dont care what ppl say being single kills
The grass is always greener on the other side the married man with kids wants to be single f***ing thots and the bachelor running through thots probably would like a solid one
a quarter way through life and i have no achievements, goals, prospects, skills, experiences, purpose, nothing
You’re a late bloomer my man everyone’s time comes
I'm just fatigued atm bro lol.
rest up king
talked about a woman killing herself and a mf responds with who gives a f***. f*** this website
i got slightly drunk for the first time after 8 months of no alcohol with guys from work only because ive been struggling with depression these last 3 weeks why does it have to be this hard? i dont even like alcohol or d**** bruh.
im in europe from work, im not daydrinking just in case anyone wants to judge me even more
talked about a woman killing herself and a mf responds with who gives a f***. f*** this website
I saw that and thought I was bugging or like..not understanding something going over my head but..yea
talked about a woman killing herself and a mf responds with who gives a f***. f*** this website
There are truly some sick sick people on this website with no type of empathy or sensibility towards other humans. It’s truly maddening but you can’t let it get to you (easier said than done), just brush it off and keep it moving
Right now in my life I essentially decided to drive over a frozen lake and have found myself attempting to steer a car on thin ice.
Every turn and choice I make I feel has limited control over the direction I'm going, over the course of time eventually I point in the right direction, but then I have to turn again. All the while knowing at any moment I could break through and have it all end.
But I'm in the middle of a lake and it's the same distance to my destination as is to where I started. So I just have to keep going, and have faith that everything will be alright as long as I keep trying to point in the right direction.