Need short film starring Jeremy for Frank’s album
he'd probably break his ankle just to get into frank's mindset
he'd probably break his ankle just to get into frank's mindset
He'd probably show up to the shoot an hour late too
Mid but Sweeney
2 Let silence be your goal for the most part; say only what is necessary, and be brief about it. On the rare occasions when you’re called upon to speak, then speak, but never about banalities like gladiators, horses, sports, food and drink – commonplace stuff. Above all don’t gossip about people, praising, blaming or comparing them. 3 Try to influence your friends to speak appropriately by your example. If you find yourself in unfamiliar company, however, keep quiet.
What is everyone in the replies talking about?
Oh it's a prank, pic's from 2012 or something
I'm going to spay him