Op made this thread 7 months ago still no announcement
I made this thread 2 and a half years ago
Op made this thread 7 months ago still no announcement
Kept you waiting huh
(I had to)
Kept you waiting huh
(I had to)
get the OP banned with me they are a con artist we shouldn't be able to make threads 3 years in advanced begging for remakes
what a thrill
Y’all really think Kojima would let her be this obvious ? Ban Kroniic
Look at when op created the thread and game not announced
Would make sense
Konami is so ass right now
If true, they are not going to do this remake justice without Hideo's vision, and Hideo's said countless times he's finished making MGS games forever
Didn’t Microsoft buy a 3rd party publisher and studios and make their games permanently exclusive? Enough with the victim mentality and persecution complex
Didn’t Microsoft buy a 3rd party publisher and studios and make their games permanently exclusive? Enough with the victim mentality and persecution complex
Getting the MGS3 remake exclusive just sucks in general in my opinion I am not doing a console war comparison. I am not even going to buy it without Kojima blessing. Its just a moment where people without access to buy the game on steam or microsoft store it sucks overall.
one is exclusive to XBOX and PC
the other is exclusive to PS5
its fair to say there is a difference
Then you add in one set of games you get with 9.99 subscription vs they likely going to charge 70$ for a remake where Kojima had nothing to do with it . Some of us just want them to put the original games back on the digital stores