The original games were ever only ported into 720p, ffs.
People asked for the HD Collections and this is those exact ports. They'd have to re-make/re-port the games again to get them to be 1080p.
Nothing dirty about this when Rockstar's pulling worse stuff. Most of the first impressions on this thing are super positive but people are getting upset over the HD Collection matching what it had before.
The original games were ever only ported into 720p, ffs.
People asked for the HD Collections and this is those exact ports. They'd have to re-make/re-port the games again to get them to be 1080p.
Nothing dirty about this when Rockstar's pulling worse stuff. Most of the first impressions on this thing are super positive but people are getting upset over the HD Collection matching what it had before.
Bro. Are you serious right now? This s*** is unacceptable for their marquee series. At the very least put in the effort to get this s*** to modern resolution standards. This s*** is $60.
When people asked them to port the HD collection the understanding was that the games would be HD by modern standards. 720p isn't even HD anymore
The original games were ever only ported into 720p, ffs.
People asked for the HD Collections and this is those exact ports. They'd have to re-make/re-port the games again to get them to be 1080p.
Nothing dirty about this when Rockstar's pulling worse stuff. Most of the first impressions on this thing are super positive but people are getting upset over the HD Collection matching what it had before.
720p is not acceptable in 2023
Bro. Are you serious right now? This s*** is unacceptable for their marquee series. At the very least put in the effort to get this s*** to modern resolution standards. This s*** is $60.
When people asked them to port the HD collection the understanding was that the games would be HD by modern standards. 720p isn't even HD anymore
Pikmin 1 and Pikmin 2 were both ported to Switch at 30fps, man. Pikmin 3 was 720p and just upscaled when docked.
Some older games would have to be fully rebuilt outside of just AI upscaling to match current times. And if they just upscaled it, people would still be complaining that it wouldn't be true 1080p.
Fans to Konami: "Don't you dare touch the originals! Leave them as they are and just put them on modern systems."
Konami: leaves them as they are, puts them on modern systems
Pikmin 1 and Pikmin 2 were both ported to Switch at 30fps, man. Pikmin 3 was 720p and just upscaled when docked.
Some older games would have to be fully rebuilt outside of just AI upscaling to match current times. And if they just upscaled it, people would still be complaining that it wouldn't be true 1080p.
And guess what? That s*** with Pikmin was also unacceptable!
Oh no! They'd have to completely rebuild it to reach 1080p?! What will they ever do!! You don't even know if that s*** is true in this instance either (likely isn't since Bluepoint didn't have to)
the worst part of this is that I will be buying it day 1
And people have faith in the MGS3 and SH2 remakes?
thought they weren't doing those
oh no
And guess what? That s*** with Pikmin was also unacceptable!
Oh no! They'd have to completely rebuild it to reach 1080p?! What will they ever do!! You don't even know if that s*** is true in this instance either (likely isn't since Bluepoint didn't have to)
People loved Pikmin?! And were super happy about the GameCube ports lmao
What would they do if they have to rebuild the game? Probably not invest that kind of money on 20 year old ports and then we don't get them at all. MGS Delta would be the only thing in the pipeline. That'd be a worse scenario.
Getting irate over 20 year old games getting ports at reasonable prices is insane. It's not $60 for a game. It's $60 for 7 ported 20+ year old games and bonus content.
"What Konami has packed in here for 60 bucks – so many amazing Metal Gear games, and some spectacular fan service extras – has left a heck of a first impression after my two hours spent playing it."
"Retro compilations are nothing new, but Konami has put a surprisingly reverent amount of care into the MGS Master Collection."
Nintendo Life guy wondering why Twin Snakes didn't replace the first game.
C'mon now.
People loved Pikmin?! And were super happy about the GameCube ports lmao
What would they do if they have to rebuild the game? Probably not invest that kind of money on 20 year old ports and then we don't get them at all. MGS Delta would be the only thing in the pipeline. That'd be a worse scenario.
Getting irate over 20 year old games getting ports at reasonable prices is insane. It's not $60 for a game. It's $60 for 7 ported 20+ year old games and bonus content.
The bar for expectations of Nintendo tech wise are on the f***ing floor. Latest Pokemon was a s***fest -- games still sold a f***ton. Pikmin being 720p/30fps is the expectation there. And it's still unacceptable.
These excuses for Konami are pathetic, man. "They probably wouldn't have put in the effort!" why not? When so many of their peers are? When s*** like this happens the correct response isn't "look at how s***ty Rockstar and Nintendo are doing when it comes to this!" It should be "Why aren't they matching the rest of the industry?"
The bar for expectations of Nintendo tech wise are on the f***ing floor. Latest Pokemon was a s***fest -- games still sold a f***ton. Pikmin being 720p/30fps is the expectation there. And it's still unacceptable.
These excuses for Konami are pathetic, man. "They probably wouldn't have put in the effort!" why not? When so many of their peers are? When s*** like this happens the correct response isn't "look at how s***ty Rockstar and Nintendo are doing when it comes to this!" It should be "Why aren't they matching the rest of the industry?"
What rest of the industry? What peers are you talking about? Naughty Dog with their $70 remaster of a 10 year old game? The entire issue here is that companies across the board don't re-release or remaster their games (usually) if it's not a ground-up remake. And if they do, a lot of the time it's mild updates for full price costs.
In this situation, we're getting multiple games in the ways people asked for with minimal unwanted or forced revisions (ie. something like Sonic Origins) at a pretty standard price. It'll go down after a sale too.
Nothing about this collection is abhorrent or inexcusable. If anything, treating a collection like this that's passable/what people asked for LIKE it's awful is just going to deter other companies from putting out collections like this, good or bad.
What rest of the industry? What peers are you talking about? Naughty Dog with their $70 remaster of a 10 year old game? The entire issue here is that companies across the board don't re-release or remaster their games (usually) if it's not a ground-up remake. And if they do, a lot of the time it's mild updates for full price costs.
In this situation, we're getting multiple games in the ways people asked for with minimal unwanted or forced revisions (ie. something like Sonic Origins) at a pretty standard price. It'll go down after a sale too.
Nothing about this collection is abhorrent or inexcusable. If anything, treating a collection like this that's passable/what people asked for LIKE it's awful is just going to deter other companies from putting out collections like this, good or bad.
TLOU Part 1 was a remake, not a remaster. What do you mean rest of the industry lol? The countless remasters of games older than MGS1-3 that get released practically on a yearly basis with much more work put into them? There's more work into the Grandia HD Collection than this s***.
This isn't even a remaster. This is a port of a remaster from over a decade ago. And they're charging the same price today that they charged over a decade ago. How is that acceptable?