After the Silent Hill HD collection s*** I’m not trusting Konami with a f***ing remake
Especially without Kojima being involved
He dodging their calls because he doing microsoft cloud game and he salty they didnt buy konami to drop silent hill, mgs remake
Sony should have bought Konami not bungie
Just drop MGS4 on modern consoles or make it backwards compatible you motherfuckers
Just drop MGS4 on modern consoles or make it backwards compatible you motherfuckers
Where was he July 8 2022???
This should be releasing tomorrow not the last of us
I hope Naughty Dog remakes MGS3 so this site can erupt
I hope Naughty Dog remakes MGS3 so this site can erupt
I don't understand why y'all this obsessed with Naughty Dog
I don't understand why y'all this obsessed with Naughty Dog
We not
You obsessed with hating without playing
Am I wrong
We not
You obsessed with hating without playing
Am I wrong
Nah I dont hate Naughty Dog and I dont hate last of us 2. There are some things in this world that aren't for me or just I think are unnecessary. Last of Us 2 so far falls under that but going to play more and give a chance
Nah I dont hate Naughty Dog and I dont hate last of us 2. There are some things in this world that aren't for me or just I think are unnecessary. Last of Us 2 so far falls under that but going to play more and give a chance
I respect the craftsmanship and I think they would do a great job whatever they do just like Rockstar
I respect the craftsmanship and I think they would do a great job whatever they do just like Rockstar
They aren’t rockstar or Kojima level to me yet . They solid and reliable though
Mgs 2 deserves a remake more than 3 (which has actually aged pretty well)