the ''you wont get away with just a thank you, you owe me a favor'' was about Weeknd after he signed with Republic. Drake ended up getting his finders fee and Weeknd joined him on the Europe leg of Would You Like A Tour (best show ive ever been to) and it was all love from there. After that they couldnt seem to remain a good relationship that lasted
Sure, but imo that’s s***ty of Drake to do because by all accounts The Weeknd and XO made their intentions clear right upfront about not signing with Drake and Drake still chose to become so heavily involved in their early days. To use that against him when he does exactly he said he was gonna do ain’t right
That’s not how it works
Says who you? Like I said agree to disagree man
Says who you? Like I said agree to disagree man
Nah I’m not agreeing to disagree
You having a kid with somebody not from your race doesn’t mean your kid is going to have less heritage than you, your kid is going to have to deal with two heritages
Nah I’m not agreeing to disagree
You having a kid with somebody not from your race doesn’t mean your kid is going to have less heritage than you, your kid is going to have to deal with two heritages
Not surprised these ignorant takes are coming from someone with a ironic MLK meme as their profile picture
we really can't be saying this when the other side is drake man cmon y'all
drake stan moment
Not surprised these ignorant takes are coming from someone with a ironic MLK meme as their profile picture
Yea my takes are ignorant
Bro grasping at straws
Deflecting to irrelevant s*** like my avi to avoid the argument
What did metro say the link won’t open for me
Tldr: His album deserves more awards than Her Loss. There's a screenshot a few pages in. It won't load because he deleted it. The tweet he was responding to got debunked
Yea my takes are ignorant
Bro grasping at straws
Deflecting to irrelevant s*** like my avi to avoid the argument
I already proved you wrong lol. You’re just saying nonsense.
If the kid has two races that means they’re half and half
I’m black, the kid will be half black. How can the kid possibly be the same amount of black as me?
This is a stupid ass argument tbh
But they said there wasn’t a issue between them and that we were delusional to think there was
Let me tag one of the idiots that said so @shaleirose.
I already proved you wrong lol. You’re just saying nonsense.
If the kid has two races that means they’re half and half
I’m black, the kid will be half black. How can the kid possibly be the same amount of black as me?
This is a stupid ass argument tbh
This might be hard to grasp but think about the mixed life. Being 2 races mean you get twice the hate, twice the criticism, everyone thinks you have it easy when really the experience can be twice as worse for some. Like Drake said in some scenarios your too black and for others your not black enough. It might explain why Drake really isn't a people pleaser since he's been through hell
This might be hard to grasp but think about the mixed life. Being 2 races mean you get twice the hate, twice the criticism, everyone thinks you have it easy when really the experience can be twice as worse for some. Like Drake said in some scenarios your too black and for others your not black enough. It might explain why Drake really isn't a people pleaser since he's been through hell
I understand their struggle and I empathize with them. If anything what you’re saying goes into my point that it’s a different experience being biracial vs being one race
Music still good but not better than Her Loss
Agreed but to see some of the folks championing Metro throughout the years talk s*** now is weird to me
And "same amount of black" is a wild way to look at it when everyone has like a 1% European decent in them because 99% of the world is mixed with something by now. Being black isn't defined by a stat sheet just like it isn't how you act or dress or what features you have. It's a culture and a lifestyle. One that Drake has certainly lived in and impacted if you listen to his music
I already proved you wrong lol. You’re just saying nonsense.
If the kid has two races that means they’re half and half
I’m black, the kid will be half black. How can the kid possibly be the same amount of black as me?
This is a stupid ass argument tbh
Oh dear lord
This is why I kept asking what does black mean to you. I just find it hilarious you look at mixed people as being less of something than you are. Is somebody who’s mixed but grew up in the south less black than a black person with two black parents who grew up in Wisconsin in a small mostly white town? Or is the black person who grew up in Wisconsin less black?
Is black to you African ancestry percentage, is it skin color, is it African American culture, is it African culture, is it Black European culture, is it the plight of an African Americans in America, etc.
This might be hard to grasp but think about the mixed life. Being 2 races mean you get twice the hate, twice the criticism, everyone thinks you have it easy when really the experience can be twice as worse for some. Like Drake said in some scenarios your too black and for others your not black enough. It might explain why Drake really isn't a people pleaser since he's been through hell
What if he just legitimately was a F***in dork
Abel signed with Diddy way before him and Drake started beefing
Thats when the cold war truly started
Signing with diddy when drake is the one who put you in the spotlight is crazy. Especially since Drake and Diddy had beef at the time
Yup Diddy helped getting him signed to Republic
Feel like the entire Im giving my last feat to Diddy was a slight to Drake
Never thought of it that way lol but in the end, ironically Diddy did help him out the best way possible
Thats when the cold war truly started
Signing with diddy when drake is the one who put you in the spotlight is crazy. Especially since Drake and Diddy had beef at the time
Drake and Diddy didn’t have beef at the time is my point
They didn’t start beefing until 2014
Let me tag one of the idiots that said so @shaleirose.
Yup, that goofy.
Drake and Diddy didn’t have beef at the time is my point
They didn’t start beefing until 2014
they don’t care about the truth man lmao
Yup Diddy helped getting him signed to Republic
Feel like the entire Im giving my last feat to Diddy was a slight to Drake
Ignoring the obvious what would Diddy have to gain from shopping around The Weeknd and why did Weeknd need that when he was already as known as any r&b artist at that time not named chris brown or usher lol
It's the reason why they hated him from the start. After TML Drake mainly started working with his own people which wasn't good for any of the active mainstream producers
''They trip off the amount of people that I brought along''
You see it
And "same amount of black" is a wild way to look at it when everyone has like a 1% European decent in them because 99% of the world is mixed with something by now. Being black isn't defined by a stat sheet just like it isn't how you act or dress or what features you have. It's a culture and a lifestyle. One that Drake has certainly lived in and impacted if you listen to his music
“It's a culture and a lifestyle”
No it’s not lol. I don’t have the same culture and lifestyle as a dude who lives in Ghana but we are still both black men.