All I gotta say is F*** Metro!
That HipHop all day account that’s always rubbing metro ego posts some s*** about H&V album having the most streams over a period of time
Metro replies something along the line of “Her Loss keeps winning awards, that shows the industry is all politics , awards don’t matter blah blah”
He was getting cooked for being a hater in the quotes and deleted
since op didn't add the screenshot you should edit this post and add a screenshot it will still be on first page
Ungrateful mf
Drake helped many of these niggas make millions yet everyone of them catches feelings.
this era is emotional fr. everyone wants to be the main character.
Yup Diddy helped getting him signed to Republic
Feel like the entire Im giving my last feat to Diddy was a slight to Drake
Uh oh
The only people on here that even think anything remotely close to that are delusional Drake stans.
All this Metro hates Drake s*** is fan-fiction, and vice versa as well
340k views. Clearly only the delusions of some crazy Drake fans tho
You know exactly what I mean, and threads asking about it get locked 🤔
they never were hidden, except for maybe one week last year
you made a thread asking to unhide them while being completely wrong about them being hidden in the first place
Drake helped many of these niggas make millions yet everyone of them catches feelings.
this era is emotional fr. everyone wants to be the main character.
Its proof that when you do things for people and they can’t sustain the same level of success without you then they will resent you for it
Its proof that when you do things for people and they can’t sustain the same level of success without you then they will resent you for it
its crazy how entitled these niggas are
meek dissed and wanted to expose Drake because he didnt retweet his album
here yall go, acting like this was a favor instead of being transactional music industry bullshit, metro is being lame in getting whatever he feels across but he doesn’t owe anyone anything lol
Drake next time he sees Abel
here yall go, acting like this was a favor instead of being transactional music industry bullshit, metro is being lame in getting whatever he feels across but he doesn’t owe anyone anything lol
Transactional? Drake didn’t get s*** from him except for disrespect WATTBA was mutually beneficial
Transactional? Drake didn’t get s*** from him except for disrespect WATTBA was mutually beneficial
mutually beneficial glad we agree thanks
mutually beneficial glad we agree thanks
Its hilarious that yall think Drake needs to do these collabs when his solo projects blow them out the water numbers wise
Hope they go under next year
Tired of the fake stream numbers
Its hilarious that yall think Drake needs to do these collabs when his solo projects blow them out the water numbers wise
that doesn’t make it non transactional you zealot
Since when has Drake ever won anything because of politics?
Metro just need to tell the world how he really feel or stop all this dry hating
340k views. Clearly only the delusions of some crazy Drake fans tho
! is the home of insane conspiracy theories with millions of views, you can’t be serious with this