Politics ? Drake doesn’t even have more than like 5 grammys for the amount of music he makes that’s a bad ratio lmao tf metro talking about
^guy who leaked the lncl vid info on reddit, god did hov verse lyrics and completely accurate Jesus is King 2 features before anyone else.
It always over a woman fr
they are just cool thats it, nothing more either though
pluto aint loyal like this and he felt some type of way about her loss and not being on tour with drake
metro been spreading a lot of venom when it comes to drake, he wouldnt be moving like this if thug was still out
thug kept some of these niggas and their jealousy in line because he is actually loyal to Drake and would kill any kind of narrative asap
Drake pissed a lot of people off when he made Her Loss.
His relationship with Kodak and Future hasn't been the same.
Politics ? Drake doesn’t even have more than like 5 grammys for the amount of music he makes that’s a bad ratio lmao tf metro talking about
"oMg GrAmMy'S aRe So InDiCaTiVe Of MuSiCaL iNgeNuItY iN 2023 🤪"
Stop slopping on old out of touch caucasians' musical opinions dude 😂
'Cause I'll backhand you boys with my writing hand
You niggas do your shootin' on the web, you Spider-Man
God damn i didn’t clock how hard that line is
Like the web shooting spider-man is a decent enough bar but the fact that metro made the spider-man album really elevates it
"oMg GrAmMy'S aRe So InDiCaTiVe Of MuSiCaL iNgeNuItY iN 2023 🤪"
Stop slopping on old out of touch caucasians' musical opinions dude 😂
so we doing another one of these threads where someone posts something accurate and a fair complaint and we call them crazy
metro wasn’t wrong it’s all politics but her loss being the album he using to make a point is laughable, he even has production on it
so we doing another one of these threads where someone posts something accurate and a fair complaint and we call them crazy
not about what he said, it’s about how he said it
“it’s not about the message, it’s always about the delivery” - 21 savage
But they said there wasn’t a issue between them and that we were delusional to think there was
How can someone who makes such incredible beats be such a monumental p****
Have you never heard of Kanye West? Lol
Politics ? Drake doesn’t even have more than like 5 grammys for the amount of music he makes that’s a bad ratio lmao tf metro talking about
Ahahahahha mfs Grammy watching now
Like the web shooting spider-man is a decent enough bar but the fact that metro made the spider-man album really elevates it
Thats a shot at Metro lol. The line wouldn’t exist if Metro didn’t make the soundtrack for Spiderman.
But they said there wasn’t a issue between them and that we were delusional to think there was
Bro worried about album awards when he got real anthems a lot with Drake which one is more important?? Be fr
"oMg GrAmMy'S aRe So InDiCaTiVe Of MuSiCaL iNgeNuItY iN 2023 🤪"
Stop slopping on old out of touch caucasians' musical opinions dude 😂
And if he wins another you gone be the first one tootin your ass up
That HipHop all day account that’s always rubbing metro ego posts some s*** about H&V album having the most streams over a period of time
Metro replies something along the line of “Her Loss keeps winning awards, that shows the industry is all politics , awards don’t matter blah blah”
He was getting cooked for being a hater in the quotes and deleted
Her Loss keeps winning awards because it is a fun ass album to listen to start to finish and is one of the most spirited albums to come out in hip hop that wasn’t “underground” or “indie” hip hop
Metro’s albums have basically been a step above DJ Khaled’s albums and he’s behaving like him when it comes to the competition funny enough too